Archive for the ‘Pictures’ Category

Private: Morning News Report; Oct. 2, 2008

October 2, 2008


It’s Joe Biden vs. America’s Sweetheart (Sarah Palin) tonight in a vice presidential debate from St. Louis.

My take: I’m really looking forward to watching it — and I think it’s going to be much more interesting than the John McCain-Barack Obama debate (which I finally downloaded on my iPod and can see — if I find the time).

Biden is known for his longwindedness and Palin is known for … well, looking good. I really think it’s going to be entertaining on all fronts.


The Wall Street bailout plan passed by a comfortable 74-25 vote in the U.S. Senate yesterday and now heads back to the House, where it failed earlier.

My take: I was shocked that it passed by so large a margin. As I said yesterday, I thought it’d have trouble passing but 74-25? Wow.

Hello, socialist government!


A photographer who was stalking following Heather Locklear was the “concerned citizen” who called 911 to tell authorities that she was impaired. The photographer made $27,000 from TMZ for the pictures of Locklear’s arrest.

My take: On one hand, I think it’s disgusting that these vultures follow celebrities around to make money from them. What makes me sicker is that people actually help make money for TMZ by looking at their junk.

But … if she was impaired — and it appears she was — I’m happy that someone (no matter how slimy they are) kept her from killing someone or herself.

The (sorely lacking 2,300-plus songs) iPod shuffle

Ante Up — M.O.P.

Mediate — INXS

Bring ‘Em Out — T.I.

Stuntin’ Like My Daddy — Birdman & Lil Wayne

Everything She Wants — Wham!

Eye Candy of the Day


Kate Walsh, formerly of “Grey’s Anatomy” and now of her own vehicle, “Private Practice”. Beautiful smile, gorgeous hair, shiny dress. What more can you ask for?

Morning News Report; Sept. 29, 2008

September 29, 2008

Before we get started: my apologies. When I got to work this morning, my computer was not working, so it’s finally going again at 11:45 a.m. Thanks for the e-mails and concern — but we’re now back up again…

And without further ado — your MNR: 


And the banking wheel continues to go round and round: Citigroup, based in New York City, will purchase Wachovia, which originated in Winston-Salem. The FDIC brokered the deal but made it clear that Wachovia wasn’t going under.

My take: My friends, these are some scary times. Last week’s Washington Mutual sale — along with the Wachovia buyout and the $700 billion government buyout — should show us that things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get better.


The Washington Redskins made sure their final trip to Texas Stadium was a successful one, defeating the Dallas Cowboys, 26-24, Sunday afternoon.

My take: As an unapologetic ‘Skins fan, I absolutely LOVED it. It just helps prove that the NFC East is — by far — the best division in the NFL.


Actress Heather Locklear was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of controlled substances Saturday. A concerned citizen observed Locklear stumbling around before she got into her car, where she ended up parking it on a road. Locklear was tested for alcohol but it came up negative. Her drug test results will come in later this week.

My take: She was treated for depression earlier this year, so maybe it was some of those type of drugs. Regardless, she still looked HOT, even in her mug shot:


The iPod shuffle

Jesus Walks — Kanye West

Believe It Or Not — Nickelback

Margaritaville — Jimmy Buffett

Crossroads — Cream

Something In The Way She Moves — James Taylor

OK … now this is taking it a BIT too far

September 26, 2008

An Ohio farmer has cut a maze into a cornfield featuring Sarah Palin:


My take: This is someone with way, way too much time on their hands.

Did I hear Flagan, Guitar Wrecker and Heelatious yell out, “Road Trip!”?

Maybe this is why Randy Capps likes soccer so much?

September 22, 2008

A random Brazilian soccer fan…


The most disturbing picture you’ll see today…

September 18, 2008


Thanks to the boys over at Kissing Suzy Kolber for posting this disturbing morsel. See the post that accompanied this picture here.

We should start a caption-writing contest with this picture … and I’ll start:

Donovan: I, I miss your musky scent. I must … come … closer.

Big Ben: You don’t have a chew in this time, do you? Gross!

Cameraman (to himself): Must … fight … urge … to … vomit.

Morning News Report; Sept. 11, 2008

September 11, 2008

Before I start the MNR today, let’s take a few moments to remember the terror of seven years ago.





Let us NEVER FORGET. My fear is that, as the years go by, we’ll forget more and more. Remember how angry you were and how we need to remain steadfast against terrorism so 9/11 never happens again.

And now on to the MNR:


Ron Paul, The Kid’s favorite candidate and John McCain’s chief rival as the Republican primaries wore on, has refused to endorse McCain. Instead, Paul is encouraging three fringe candidates to join to try to defeat McCain and Barack Obama.

Additionally, Bob Barr, the Libertarian candidate, has asked Paul to be his vice-presidential candidate.

My take: Good for Paul (and Barr). This is the worst presidential selection we’ve ever had in my lifetime (well, outside of Ford and Carter in 1976) and it’s good that someone is stepping up to talk about it.

Yes, I’m also ready for The Kid’s comments now…


And no, I’m not mocking here. Tennessee Titans QB Vince Young is evidently suffering from some depression-style issues after suffering an injury in the first weekend of the season. Titans coach Jeff Fisher had to call Nashville police to help locate Young when the QB disappeared for a few hours on Monday.

My take: Seriously, depression is no joke. Just because you’re a millionaire and a quarterback in the NFL doesn’t keep you from the mental disease. I hope Young gets some help — and soon.


On Monday, a Montana teacher crashed into a 300-pound bear at 25 mph — on his bike. The teacher survived the crash with a cracked helmet and the bear was fine, too.

My take: Um, avoid bears while you’re driving? That’s all I have for that…

The iPod shuffle

Dream On — Aerosmith

Beautiful Day (Quincey & Sonance Remix) — U2

Beautiful Girls — Sean Kingston

Emotions — Mariah Carey

Crashed — Daughtry

The Free Press has a new sports editor

September 5, 2008

Ryan Herman, currently the sports editor at the Observer News Enterprise in Newton, has accepted an offer to become the new sports editor of The Free Press. His first day is scheduled to be Oct. 6, so he’ll get here in time for the conference schedule of football season.

A little about Ryan (although he’ll properly introduce himself when he gets here): he’s a former baseball and basketball player at West Lincoln High School who graduated from Appalachian State University. He’s also worked under one of the true sportswriting icons in the state, Chris Hobbs of the Hickory Daily Record.

His work in Newton and Hickory has been exemplary and you can get a preview of his stuff by going to the ONE site here.

Please join me in welcoming Ryan to Lenoir County.


Morning News Report; Sept. 3, 2008

September 3, 2008


The Republicans — not Hurricane Gustav — finally took center stage on Tuesday in St. Paul, Minn. President Bush delivered a short message from the White House, Fred Thompson was his usual folksy self in his keynote address and Al Gore’s 2000 running mate, Joe Lieberman, brought the house down with his endorsement of John McCain.

My take: In the interest of full disclosure, I didn’t get to watch any of the live action last night, since I had to cover the Lenoir County school board meeting (fun and exciting!). However, I did get to see the wrap-up on Fox News, CNN and MSNBC, so I got a feel for what happened Tuesday night.

Lieberman was his usual solid self and it was a real coup for the McCain camp. The GOP is/was wise to keep Bush in D.C. — far, far away from St. Paul.

But the best part was Thompson, who was very folksy and likeable on stage. This TV reviewer was very impressed with Thompson’s performance.

The Republicans will trot out vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin tonight — along with her daughter’s potential baby-daddy. Should be good TV again.


The extremely slow moving Hurricane Hanna is expected to bash the Bahamas today and tomorrow before moving across the Atlantic to the U.S. on Friday or Saturday. Here’s the latest National Weather Service map (8 a.m.) that projects Hanna hitting South Carolina at around 2 a.m. on Saturday:


My take: Please listen to what the Emergency Management folks say — be ready for the storm. Get some water, some food and be prepared for anything that could happen.


My dad is heartbroken today as one of his music idols, Jerry Reed, passed away on Monday at the age of 71. Reed was Burt Reynolds’ sidekick in the “Smokey and the Bandit” movies, but had a slew of country music hits, including “When You’re Hot, You’re Hot.”

My take: I listened to quite a bit of Jerry Reed growing up, and I thought he was funny in the SATB movies. RIP.

The iPod shuffle

I Wanna Be A Cowboy — Boys Don’t Cry

First Cup Is The Deepest (Country Version) — Sheryl Crow

Come Monday — Jimmy Buffett

Low — Cracker

Can I Get A — Jay-Z

Reminder: Check out the adjusted prep football schedules blog entry; nearly everyone in our area has moved up their games from Friday to Thursday in anticipation of Hanna. Also, don’t forget to get your picks in by Thursday, since a chunk of games will be played that night.

Hanna’s path

September 2, 2008

Hurricane Hanna is going to be a force to be reckoned with this weekend. Here is the latest (as of 11 a.m.) projection by the National Weather Service of the path of hurricane/tropical storm (click on the map for a better view):


I’ll post some more updates this week, but you can check out the latest map by clicking here.

And you thought Palin was a good choice?

September 1, 2008

I was going to wait until Tuesday’s Morning News Report, but Sarah Palin might be pulled from the Republican ticket before then. Not only does the Alaska governor have a scandal hanging over her head about firing an official who wouldn’t fire her former brother-in-law, now comes the news that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is pregnant!

There are also rumors that Palin’s fifth child is actually her granddaughter, born to the same daughter who is currently pregnant. I encourage you to read the story/blogger at the link, it is quite interesting.

Here’s a picture of Palin allegedly six months pregnant with her daughter to her left (your right). Make your own call…


My take: This is what John McCain deserves for choosing potentially the next commander-in-chief with only a phone call and one short meeting. In his sad attempt to grab Hillary supporters (which wasn’t going to happen anyway because of Palin’s “supposed” opposing ultra-conservative views), McCain has tied his — and the Republicans’ — future to a virtual unknown (who is getting better known by the day!).

He could’ve gone safe and still unified his party by selecting Mitt Romney, but no, the self-described Maverick has to go out on a limb. What has he got himself and the Republicans now?

I wouldn’t be surprised to see Palin withdraw from the ticket, would you?

Some additional thoughts: I’m not crucifying Palin or her daughter here; God knows people make mistakes all the time — I’ve got too many to count myself. But here is this self-righteous woman who supposedly espouses all these family values who can’t even control her own household — and wants to be Vice President of the United States?

If she hadn’t accepted the VP nod, this is the kind of news that only a few thousand people in God-forsaken Alaska would’ve known about. Now, the whole nation is going to debate this (and embarrass her daughter!) — because of her own selfish desire to be in the White House. She could’ve protected her daughter and turned down the VP nomination.

And Lee makes a great point in the comments — people ragged on Bill Clinton and John Edwards, but when it happens to a Republican, it’s no big deal? Huh?

As most of you know, I have no dog in this fight — I have many fundamental problems with the Democrats and Republicans. But I’d like to know that the woman who is potentially going to be a heartbeat away from the presidency can control her own household. How do you expect her to run a nation, if that need arises?