Archive for the ‘Braxton-LaRoque 2008’ Category

LaRoque says Braxton is playing dirty … again

August 7, 2008

From a Stephen LaRoque press release:

Stephen LaRoque responds to Braxton’s push poll

Demands retraction and apology from Van Braxton … again!

August 7, 2008

Many voters throughout North Carolin State House District 10 received push poll telephone calls from Representative Van Braxton’s campaign on Wednesday night, August 6. The calls came from live operators who made false and malicious statements about former Representative Stephen LaRoque, Braxton’s opponent in November.

The false statements were disguised as polling questions.

LaRoque responded swiftly to the dirty attack.

“My opponent isn’t interested in solving the problems facing eastern North Carolina,” LaRoque said. “Instead, he is spending all his time and money playing political games and trying to mislead voters about me. It is obvious to me that he has no solutions to the problems regular people are facing. That’s why he is running a dirty campaign to try to distract attention from his poor record.”

In the telephone calls, voters were told that LaRoque voted to appropriate funds for “strip clubs to take down their billboards”, increase fees that banks can charge for homebuyers”, and that LaRoque had the “worst attendance record in the House”. These allegations are false and LaRoque reports that “many of the people  they called hung up on them because they are sick and tired of all the negative politics.”

“My message to the people of Lenoir, Wayne and Greene counties is simple. If you are happy with politics as usual and dirty campaigning, Van Braxton is doing fine,” LaRoque continued, “If you want a state representative who will work hard to strengthen our economy, stop illegal immigration and solve the other problems we face, I humbly ask for your support.”

Stephen LaRoque’s rebuttal to Van Braxton

July 18, 2008

Here it is in it’s full glory: Republican Stephen LaRoque’s response to Van Braxton’s kickoff party last night —

Stephen LaRoque Responds to Braxton’s False Attacks          

 Demands Retraction and Apology from Van Braxton

In the July 18, 2008 article in the Kinston Free Press “Rep. Van Braxton Formally Launches Re-election Bid”, Representative Van Braxton, at a campaign fundraising event Thursday night, accused Stephen LaRoque’s campaign of “going negative early” by mailing out postcards that “smear” Braxton’s record.  LaRoque, a Kinston businessman and former legislator, responded swiftly to the false charges.“It is unfortunate and sad that Van Braxton believes that to win an election he has to abandon all honesty,” LaRoque said. 

“Representative Braxton knows that my campaign hasn’t mailed out any postcards of any kind.  Not a single one.”  LaRoque went on to assail dishonesty in politics and the politicians who practice this dishonesty.  “The politicians in Raleigh aren’t solving eastern North Carolina’s problems because they are too busy playing political games,” LaRoque remarked.   

“Politicians like Van Braxton believe they can just invent a negative story about someone and the public will believe whatever they say,” LaRoque continued, “I’ve got news for Van Braxton.  The people of eastern North Carolina are a whole lot smarter than he thinks they are, and they want a state representative who solves their problems rather than playing political games.”

The Free Press article concludes with a statement by Bert Alexander, the host of the fundraiser, in which he says, “I support Van because he is honest.  Stephen LaRoque is not a truthful person.”  LaRoque responded by saying, “I am disappointed that my opponent and his supporters are beginning this campaign in such a negative fashion.  Eastern North Carolina’s working families face real problems, and I will not be distracted from my commitment to solving these problems by petty comments by my opponent and his supporters.”

“I demand a full retraction and apology from Van Braxton for his and Mr. Alexander’s untrue remarks about me.  The people deserve an honest debate on the issues, not this type of gutter politics,” LaRoque concluded.


My take: As I said below, this is going to be a fun election. Neither Braxton or LaRoque are the kind of men who back down from any challenge and this is one they’re both going to love.

Morning (Afternoon) News Report; July 18, 2008

July 18, 2008


Let the gun-slinging begin: The 2008 N.C. House election between incumbent Van Braxton (Democrat) and former Representative Stephen LaRoque (Republican) has started. At his formal kickoff party last night, Braxton had some interesting things to say about his opponent, including, “If you get a postcard from (LaRoque), throw it away.”

Well, according to LaRoque, there haven’t been any postcards. I’m going to post the full rebuttal from LaRoque in my next blog post, but here’s a snippet for your perusal:

“It is unfortunate and sad that Van Braxton believes that to win an election he has to abandon all honesty,” LaRoque said.  “Representative Braxton knows that my campaign hasn’t mailed out any postcards of any kind.  Not a single one.”

Chris Lavender’s well-written article wraps up with a quote from the owner of the home where Braxton’s kickoff was held, Bert Alexander:

“I support Van because he is honest,” Bert Alexander said. “Stephen LaRoque is not a truthful person.” 

My take: Folks, this is going to be a fun election. It matches up two politicians who I greatly admire, but who are on opposite ends of the political spectrum. Stay tuned; it’s gonna get nasty.


As you know, the MNR is late today because I was in Jacksonville checking out the Kinston-Trinity summer league basketball game at Wells Gulledge’s East Coast Invitational.

My take: Like I’m reporting “news” here, but Kinston is loaded again. Reggie Bullock didn’t play much in the game I watched (about 5 minutes), but he really wasn’t needed as the Vikings rolled past Trinity, 38-25. The game was low-scoring because they use a running clock until the final minute of each half.

Some players to watch for: Senior guard Mister Height is going to be this year’s Akeem Sutton — the player who is going to step up and be that second or third leading scorer behind Bullock. Also, junior guard Dori Hines did a fine job running the point, junior guard/forward Josh Benoit showed good stroke, while senior post Victor Holloway looks like he’s polished his inside game and will be a factor this year.

I was a little disappointed in Trinity’s Josh Pittman; he is the player who almost single-handedly defeated Kinston in the 3A title game last year. He only scored 2 points on only 1-of-8 shooting. He appeared to hurt his groin in the final couple of minutes and was really ineffective. Of course, that was partially due to Kinston’s good defense.


East Carolina associate professor Jason Bond has offered to name one of 27 new species of trapdoor spider after Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert. Colbert, the hilarious host of “The Colbert Report,” was upset when Hall of Fame rocker Neil Young had a spider named after him.

My take: Regardless of your political affiliation, don’t you love Stephen Colbert’s show? I think he’s hilarious. Like wrestling, I know it’s all an act, but it’s funny how all the major politicians line up to be on his and Jon Stewart’s Comedy Central shows.

This is funny, but also a nice shout-out to ECU on a national stage — unless you’re reading E! Online’s story, which identifies Bond as a “University of North Carolina” biologist.

Let the letter-writing campaign begin, Pirate Nation…

The iPod shuffle

Surfin’ Bird — The Trashmen

Joy to the World — Three Dog Night

Mama Said Knock You Out — LL Cool J

Breakaway — Kelly Clarkson

It Was a Very Good Year — Frank Sinatra