Private: Morning News Report; Oct. 2, 2008


It’s Joe Biden vs. America’s Sweetheart (Sarah Palin) tonight in a vice presidential debate from St. Louis.

My take: I’m really looking forward to watching it — and I think it’s going to be much more interesting than the John McCain-Barack Obama debate (which I finally downloaded on my iPod and can see — if I find the time).

Biden is known for his longwindedness and Palin is known for … well, looking good. I really think it’s going to be entertaining on all fronts.


The Wall Street bailout plan passed by a comfortable 74-25 vote in the U.S. Senate yesterday and now heads back to the House, where it failed earlier.

My take: I was shocked that it passed by so large a margin. As I said yesterday, I thought it’d have trouble passing but 74-25? Wow.

Hello, socialist government!


A photographer who was stalking following Heather Locklear was the “concerned citizen” who called 911 to tell authorities that she was impaired. The photographer made $27,000 from TMZ for the pictures of Locklear’s arrest.

My take: On one hand, I think it’s disgusting that these vultures follow celebrities around to make money from them. What makes me sicker is that people actually help make money for TMZ by looking at their junk.

But … if she was impaired — and it appears she was — I’m happy that someone (no matter how slimy they are) kept her from killing someone or herself.

The (sorely lacking 2,300-plus songs) iPod shuffle

Ante Up — M.O.P.

Mediate — INXS

Bring ‘Em Out — T.I.

Stuntin’ Like My Daddy — Birdman & Lil Wayne

Everything She Wants — Wham!

Eye Candy of the Day


Kate Walsh, formerly of “Grey’s Anatomy” and now of her own vehicle, “Private Practice”. Beautiful smile, gorgeous hair, shiny dress. What more can you ask for?

34 Responses to “Private: Morning News Report; Oct. 2, 2008”

  1. randycapps Says:

    She’s why I don’t watch “Grey’s Anatomy” anymore. They took the best looking woman off the show.

    And no, I’m not watching “Private Practice.” I gave it a try. It wasn’t good enough.

  2. Flagan Says:

    Senator Dole voted against the bill last night. rjarman you will be happy to know that her vote last night will keep me from voting for Kay Hagen, which was about to make me gag anyhow. I must now decide between Dole and Cole. 😉

    If any of you watched CSPAN, you saw Senator Jim DeMint make a very good speech imploring his fellow Senators to vote against the bailout. The independent Senator from Vermont, whose name I can’t remember, made a good speech also.

    If the House votes on the Senate bill, I believe it will pass by a slim margin. There is pork included in this 451 page bill designed to make it hard for a few that voted against it last time to vote nay again.

    Only in our Congress would we see people get deluged by mail protesting the increase in the size of government then turn around and offer us a new plan that spends the same amount of taxpayer dollars but adds tax cuts. Their abysmal approval ratings are well earned.

  3. randycapps Says:

    Of the 24 senators who voted against the bill, 10 are up for re-election – including Dole.

    Passing such a wildly unpopular bill in the House, where every seat is up for grabs, will be much tougher, extra pork or no.

  4. Omega_07solo Says:

    I honestly dont expect much from the debate tonight. Biden is too experienced and too orally skilled to have anything less than a stellar night tonight. And well Palin, I mean it was a nice move on McCain’s part but even staunch Rep realize that she may be a hinderance in this race. But she may surprise everyone tonight. The good thing about her is that if she does a halfway good job it will be a victory because most analyst and political pundits are expecting something just short of a catastrophe. But as we say in the athletic world “thats why they play the game!”

    On a personal note, I am done watching Dancing with the Stars…how in the world do you kick Kim off the show…..(just dropping hints for future eye candy candidates—she will get my vote any day, any election!!!!)

  5. Bryan Hanks Says:

    Omega — your voice has been heard. I foresee a Kim Kardashian eye candy entry tomorrow…

  6. Omega_07solo Says:

    That would be a great way to end the week! And thanks for supplying the citizens of the world with such a diverse and enlightening blog to visit!!!! So many articles and ATTRACTIONS! LOL LOL

  7. Brian with an eye Says:

    My, my……….this young lady, Kate Walsh, is an All-American girl in every sense of the word. I would think she would be everybody’s All-American. She has an absolutely inviting smile and her eyes have that unmistakable mesmerization quality. Kate is a true natural beauty that you could take anywhere. Her classic, radiant beauty would shine at a football game as well as a night out on the town. She would be the “class” in any setting. Kate is one of those rare beauties that does not have to try to look ravishing………she just is.

    And I love that gorgeous over-the-shoulder smile……..her smile makes one think that she is reacting to some pleasant news………….like, “Look Kate, there’s that handsome Free Press guy……

    Billy Moore.”

  8. Bryan Hanks Says:

    BWAE — You had me until the end.

    Billy Moore? Really?


  9. Brian with an eye Says:

    I was going to insert “Charles Buchanan” but I figured you would end the blog.

  10. Flagan Says:

    RC, you make a very good point about whether or not someone is running affecting their vote and that everyone in the House is running. I hope you are right. It’s possible that the pork that wins some vote will lose others. I am fearing for the worse however. If everyone will take a few minutes to phone or email their congressman it could make the difference.

    Omega, Biden is orally skilled? He’s a gaffe machine. He recently talked about Franklin Delano Roosevelt coming on tv to talk about the Great Depression in 1929. Katie Couric, who was interviewing him when he said this, swooned over the answer. The only problem with this answer is that Herbert Hoover, not FDR, was the president then and tvs weren’t around yet. Biden recently introduced someone in a wheelchair that was unable to stand by saying, “stand up and take a bow.” Biden is very capable of stepping in it. The question is whether or not Palin will be able to pounce on him if he does. You are right about low expectations though. This does play to Palin’s favor.

  11. Omega_07solo Says:

    When I say orally skilled I dont mean mentally gifted. Some people have all the intellect in the world and all the right answers but when you hear them speak you feel like its an episode of Charlie Brown…..wah wah wah wah wah….but Biden in the few times I have heard him speak seems to be able to command his voice and an audience. So unless you are very knowledgable about history or historical aspects (and truly how many of the voting public received an A or B in history in HS) you can be convinced by his mere tone, inflection and voice that he knows exactly what he is talking about. Alot of not so knowledgable politicians over the years have been able to do this but Palin, bless her soul, doesnt have that and its not even because she is a woman or inexperienced, its just not a talent of hers.

  12. Flagan Says:

    I agree that many in the voting public will fall prey to his tone, inflection, and voice. You are also right that lots of very intelligent people can’t speak worth a poot.

  13. randycapps Says:

    I think expectations for Palin have been dropped so low, that her above-average effort tonight will create a huge bounce for the GOP.

    People have been hitting Palin pretty hard in recent weeks, but one doesn’t become the most powerful politician in a state – any state – without being able to stand toe-to-toe with tough foes and respond to challenges.

    I really think she’s going to wipe the floor with Biden. Not that anyone in the MSM would admit it if she did.

  14. Omega_07solo Says:

    Wipe the floor may be a stretch but if she just holds her own and doesnt look totally lost that will be a win for the party. Even if she loses, as long as she doesnt get blown out she will have done her job.

    She has been receiving blows left and right since she signed on for the postion. Some deservedly, others are petty. I agree that you have to be able to respond to challenges but the gov of Alaska and the gov of NY or CA or NC face diff challenges. Her population by pure statistical numbers (% of HS and college grads is bottom 10% of country) is not the most learned group in America so the fights that she has had to stand toe to toe on arent againts some of the same opponents that other face….Sports Analogy–who garners more respect–Champion of SEC football or Champion of Big East football….both D1 conferences but…………..You get what I am trying to say?

  15. heelatious Says:

    Watching the debate…on your iPod Hanks? Jesus man, it’s called TiVo, look into it. Although I’m sure the appeal of a 3″ screen is alluring in it’s own way.


    I agree with you, I think Palin is going to eat Biden’s lunch, but as you so accurately pointed out, the MSM will NEVER give her credit for doing it.

    BTW- A report has come out today where Joe Biden told Israel in ’05 or ’06 that they would basically have to deal, or come to terms with a nuclear Iran. I can’t wait to hear how Biden, and more importantly, Obama spins this, considering Obama said a nuclear Iran was unacceptable. I’m sure you want here this in the MSM, they are much too concerned with what magazines and newspapers Sarah Palin is reading.

  16. randycapps Says:

    Joe Biden is a verbal trainwreck looking for a place to happen. The guy makes this process all the more entertaining.

  17. Flagan Says:


    To continue your sports analogy, the SEC may be the best conference but the best player may reside in the Big East.

  18. Flagan Says:


    You brought up something else that is a media contrived fault of Palin’s. Palin didn’t name what magazines she read. Does Katie Couric really believe that the VP will be getting her foreign policy knowledge through reading magazines?

  19. randycapps Says:

    Maybe that explains why Katie’s ratings continue to lag behind.

  20. heelatious Says:


    It is so utterly pathetic how much the media is the tank for Obama. Who the heck cares what magazines and newspapers she may or may not read. Does Katie Couric know there’s this thing called the internet, heck Al Gore invented it (insert your own joke here), and you can read ANYTHING you want, from anywhere. If she would’ve said she read the Washington Times, and NY Post, they would’ve ripped her for reading MSM-perceived right-leaning newspapers.

    It doesn’t matter what this poor woman does or says, she’s going to get ripped six ways from Sunday by the media. Next they’ll be complaining about what shade of lipstick she wears.

  21. heelatious Says:

    …and if you don’t think the media’s portrayal of Palin is working on the uniformed that form their opinions from the four minutes worth of sound bites they see on TV everyday, I offer you exhibit A, the first post on the Sarah Palin thread. Need I say more.

  22. Omega_07solo Says:

    Good point Flagan but its hard to win the Heisman if you from a weaker conference….(Tim Tebow vs Colt Brenning Debate). I am not discrediting Mrs Palin, just stating that the battles she has fought arent the day in and day out battles that McCain, Obama, and Biden have fought.

    As far as media is concerned, it all depends what channel you turn to or what internet site you go to. I go to both sides and on the same day I can see a poll saying McCain is up and flip channel and see Obama up by same margain. I tend to take what the media says with grain of salt. I have seen just as many with a McCain amgle as I have for Obama. Sort of like blog posts, it all depends on what side of fence you looking at a story from to determine you response. Its all very intersting stuff if you can pull back and look at the whole picture objectively.

  23. Flagan Says:

    I just went and read the post. What’s funny is that Palin is the only one of these four that has anything in common with us. If you invited any of these 4 and their families to your house, Palin and her family would be able to sit down and talk about high school sports, hunting, fishing, owning a small business, rec sports, public school, etc. There is something there that she has in common with all of us in this neck of the woods. Does anyone believe the same can be said for Obama or Biden?

    They interviewed people in Wasilla that spoke of seeing her at the grocery store. Does anyone believe Obama or Biden or their wives go the the grocery store?

    You watch Congress prove on a regular basis how out of touch they are with middle America and yet people on this blog run down the only one on either ticket that’s relates to middle America. She’s the only one that wouldn’t look down their nose at you unless they wanted your vote.

  24. heelatious Says:


    With all due respect, there is no way in the world, you can say you have seen anywhere near the media stories saying favorable things about McCain as you have Obama. Good Lord, Obama has entire channels that basically worship him (NBC, MSNBC, CNN), and he hasn’t been through near the scrutiny in the two years he’s been running for President, as Sarah Palin has in the six weeks or so since she was named John McCain’s running mate, despite having having more experience than Obama for the job.

    The MSM has had an Obama in the White House agenda since Day One, and they are doing everything in their power, to ensure that their dream comes true in November.

  25. Flagan Says:


    You arer right. It is an uphill battle for the Heisman and it is an uphill battle for McCain/Palin. If I can carry this analogy one step further though. The Heisman winner from the big conference usually turns out to be outperformed in the NFL by the better player that hails from a smaller conference. So who would you rather have in the White House (or NFL), the best player or the player from the top conference?

  26. Flagan Says:

    The Senate passed the bill last night. The stock market futures were down 110 points after the vote last night and is down 260 points right now. Yeah, trust Pelosi, Reid, Bush, etc, when they say we have to do this for the sake of the stock market and for liquidity in the credit market.

    There is your stock market response. Now I invite you to go use your credit card. I’m taking odds that you can. If you have good credit, call your bank and see if you can get a loan. I know you can. I just replaced my AC that was destroyed by lightning with a geo-thermal (no Al Gore jokes please) unit yesterday. I borrowed a good amount of money to do so without a problem.

  27. Omega_07solo Says:

    I will be the first to admit that Obama has a ton of support and there are a lot that want the “historical” part of this to occur. But you would have to admit that FOX does a great job of spinning the web for McCain. And let us not forget the Great Rush Limbaugh! If I had it my way I would just love to see it be done down the line and to borrow a line from a classic movie “The Facts ma’am, just the Facts”!

    I think some of the reason for Palin’s scrutiny is that she came from nowhere honestly. Before the announcement, who knew who the governor of Alaska was? Anybody…….So there is a big rush to know who she is and what she is about. Obama and McCain and Biden have been on the stage long enough for all of their information to be out, back in, and then out again.

    Yes Palin is down to earth and she is one of the middle class in her mindset. That is a tremendous draw for her but I dont know if the Rep are even pushing that part as hard as they should. As far as the grocery store part….how many grocery stores could really be in Wasilla? (its a joke..but with sincere undertones)

    Flagan I like talking to you. Great question…I wish I had as great an answer. I would say that in most cases if you can get the top player you take him over player from top conference. Only thing is in this scenario, because McCain has been in Washington for so long is he from the top conference and Obama just best overall player or is “McCain/Palin TICKET” best player from small conference and “Obama/Biden TICKET” (because of total experience and other intangibles) the good player from best conference……hmmmmmmm??? (Note that I put Ticket in the question, not just one person)

  28. heelatious Says:


    Internet Al would be proud of you reducing your carbon footprint. Now get in your Prius, and go pick up those new solar panels.

    I kid, I kid.

  29. randycapps Says:

    “Now I invite you to go use your credit card. I’m taking odds that you can. If you have good credit, call your bank and see if you can get a loan. I know you can.”

    That Flagan is one smart dude. He’s dead right.

  30. Flagan Says:

    Omega, I can’t put ticket in because I put Palin as the small conference player that I would rather have over the other three who would all qualify as from the major conference (on the national stage). Palin is the only one of the four I relish being in charge. She’s the only one that’s ever really shown an infinity for smaller government and the only one that is really for the free market. Without having to toe the McCain line I believe she would have voted against last night’s bill. The other three obviously voted for it. She’s the only one of the four that doesn’t believe we should bankrupt the country over global warming. These are issues that I care about a lot.

    heeatious, I liked the idea of reducing my electric bill. Supposedly the difference in price will be repaid in 2-3 years and then it will be all gravy. I won’t fit in a Prius, but my brother’s company car is one.

  31. heelatious Says:


    I think a friend of mine in New Bern put in a system similar to what you’re describing a couple of years ago. Hey, if it saves money, I’m all for it.

  32. Lee Says:

    I have no hope for our economy if this bailout passes. Going further and further into debt will ruin this country. What am I talking about, it already has!

    Do I sound crazy if I say we need another revolution? Get rid of these political crackpots.

  33. rjarman Says:

    Palin was on tonight…is anyone going to see her in Greenville…Flagan you might change your mind on Dole? NC Spin has her down 46% to 38%?? I dont believe it but do think she might be in trouble if she dont pour it on down the stretch.

  34. Flagan Says:


    Her vote against the bailout takes Hagen out of the picture. I never really felt good about Hagen anyway because she supported the “Gang of 10” before Dole became a member of the “Gang of 20.” I tried to explain my thinking but have decided that it is silly to cut off my nose to spite my face.

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