Archive for October, 2008

Sarah Palin is coming to Greenville

October 2, 2008

Thanks to our good friend Jim Godfrey for this nugget: Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin will be coming to Greenville on Tuesday. She will speak at ECU’s Minges Coliseum at 5 p.m.

My take: Wow! I can already see Flagan, Heelatious and Guitar Wrecker camping out in front of Minges for a couple days so they get up close.

Guys — stalking is illegal in North Carolina. Those Secret Service agents will hurt you!

Private: Morning News Report; Oct. 2, 2008

October 2, 2008


It’s Joe Biden vs. America’s Sweetheart (Sarah Palin) tonight in a vice presidential debate from St. Louis.

My take: I’m really looking forward to watching it — and I think it’s going to be much more interesting than the John McCain-Barack Obama debate (which I finally downloaded on my iPod and can see — if I find the time).

Biden is known for his longwindedness and Palin is known for … well, looking good. I really think it’s going to be entertaining on all fronts.


The Wall Street bailout plan passed by a comfortable 74-25 vote in the U.S. Senate yesterday and now heads back to the House, where it failed earlier.

My take: I was shocked that it passed by so large a margin. As I said yesterday, I thought it’d have trouble passing but 74-25? Wow.

Hello, socialist government!


A photographer who was stalking following Heather Locklear was the “concerned citizen” who called 911 to tell authorities that she was impaired. The photographer made $27,000 from TMZ for the pictures of Locklear’s arrest.

My take: On one hand, I think it’s disgusting that these vultures follow celebrities around to make money from them. What makes me sicker is that people actually help make money for TMZ by looking at their junk.

But … if she was impaired — and it appears she was — I’m happy that someone (no matter how slimy they are) kept her from killing someone or herself.

The (sorely lacking 2,300-plus songs) iPod shuffle

Ante Up — M.O.P.

Mediate — INXS

Bring ‘Em Out — T.I.

Stuntin’ Like My Daddy — Birdman & Lil Wayne

Everything She Wants — Wham!

Eye Candy of the Day


Kate Walsh, formerly of “Grey’s Anatomy” and now of her own vehicle, “Private Practice”. Beautiful smile, gorgeous hair, shiny dress. What more can you ask for?