Morning News Report; September 26, 2008


With John McCain and Barack Obama looking on, George W. Bush’s $700 billion bailout of Wall Street seemed to be on a death watch on Thursday.

My takes: I’m just disgusted by this whole mess, as I’m sure many of you are.

I’m sick of presidential politics — from both McCain and Obama — being interjected into this.

I’m disgusted by the politicians who’ve allowed us to get to this point.

I can’t believe that we’ve allowed ourselves — and our greed AS A COUNTRY — to get us here.

It makes me ill that we’re going to spend the next 20 years bailing out millionaires.

And this last one goes to both Democrats and Republicans — just fix the damn thing and quit accusing each other for where we are.


Actor Johnny Depp will make $55 million for the fourth installment of “Pirates of the Caribbean”. He becomes the highest earner in the movie business, moving past Tom (I’m not related to Bryan) Hanks and his $49 million.

My take: Here’s what I don’t get — If POTC makes $150-200 million, over a third of it goes to Depp? And what if it bombs?

I don’t want to hear anyone dissing professional athletes for the money they make when these actors are pulling in this kind of change. At least athletes are — literally — putting their lives (and future health) on the line. Tom Brady doesn’t have a stuntman to do his dirty work.


The crazies folks at PETA are appealing to Ben and Jerry’s to start using women’s breast milk instead of cow’s milk for B&J’s Homemade Ice Cream. The PETA idiots officials say it’ll be healthier and reduce the pain and suffering that cows feel in producing milk.

My take: Oh. My. God.

I love animals as much as the next guy (they’re tasty!), but isn’t this a little bizarre?

And I’m also a huge fan of breasts, too, but I’m not sure I want to eat ice cream made of breast milk.

PETA is freaking crazy.

The iPod shuffle

Raising Hell — Run DMC

Subterranean Homesick Blues — Bob Dylan

Summer of ’69 — Bryan Adams

Time To Get Ill — Beastie Boys

Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word — Elton John

P.S. (Let’s see who reads these MNRs all the way through!)

I have a pair of ECU-Houston tickets  and a three-pack of tickets left over — and I’m not going to make you run through a hoop for them. If you want to go to the game — and you can come by The Free Press office after 4 p.m. today (but before 6 p.m.) — I’m going to have a drawing for them. I’ll give the tickets away in the pair and then the three-pack, so we’ll have two winners.

Just send me an e-mail with “tickets” in the subject line and a phone number I can reach you at in the body of the e-mail. Also, let me know if you want the pair or the three-pack. If you don’t want to send an e-mail, just leave your name and your preference in the comments. I’ll draw for both sets at 4 p.m.

It’s that easy. And it’s also a special “thank-you” to you guys (and gals) who have made this blog — AGAIN!!! — the top blog in Freedom North Carolina.

19 Responses to “Morning News Report; September 26, 2008”

  1. Flagan Says:


    Bryan, please point out where poilitics entered into this from both sides. Don’t just repeat Democratic talking points with the “presidential politics” line, actually show us anything negative about Obama said by any McCain campaign member yesterday.

    Here is the way I saw and heard it go down. Before the meeting between Bush, McCain, Obama, and the House and Senate majority and minority leaders Chris Dodd made an announcement that an agreement had been reached. This obviously was a setup. No agreement had been reached, the House Republicans had not even been consulted as had no conservative members of the Senate. So this announcement obviously was meant to take away McCain’s thunder if an agreement was truly reached after he got there and to blame him if it wasn’t. After the meeting, nobody from McCain’s camp made any derogatory comments about Obama. Obama came out and made a speech. He said that McCain playing “presidential politics” derailed the agreement (of which there was never any such agreement in the first place) and that McCain should bear the blame if the economy crashes. Harry Reid comes out and says that Obama spoke a couple of times and that he was “his usual deliberate, calm self.” and McCain spoke only at the end and he was babbling and had nothing substantive to offer. I could offer up quotes by Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and others about McCain but I can’t find any about Obama by anybody at the meeting yesterday.

    What I’m sick of is Obama and his minions playing politics and then accusing McCain of doing it. What I’m sick of is the MSM repeating whatever Obama says instead of reporting “actual” facts.

    All anyone that accuses McCain of playing politics in this instance can point to is the fact that he suspended his campaign to participate in congressional hearings on what many say could cause our economy to collapse if not handled properly. I understand that they are going to miss votes on many issues while campaigning but they should be there for the biggest economic issue since the great depression. They are paid $165,200.00 per year to be a Senator. If they aren’t going to be there for something of this magnitude they should have resigned their Senate seat. The presidential debate can be delayed, according to everyone in Washington, this can’t.

    Obama on the other hand came to town playing politics as witnessed by his speech last night. Additionally, his campaign can’t take a week off to deal with a national emergency but could take a week off for him and his wife to go chill out in Hawaii? Please, give me a break!!!

  2. Flagan Says:


    What nobody is reporting is that Democrats got us here by pandering to minorities and to the poor. Jimmy Carter gave us the Community Reinvestment Act. Bill Clinton put this act on steroids. Barney Frank protected this act when Bush tried to amend it.

    This act forced banks to make bad loans. It also forced Fannie Me and Freddie Mac to insure them. When Bush tried to rein in this act in 2003 Barney Frank said, “These two entities–Fannie Mae and Feddie Mac–are not facing any kind of financial crisis, the more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, te less we will see in terms of affordable housing.” For such astute financial understanding, the Democrats made him chairman of the House’s Financial Services Cimmittee and have made him one of their lead negotiators in the present hearings.

  3. guitarwrecker Says:

    Hanks- check your email for info regarding the bailout and how it would profit ACORN- a radical left group that has been found guilty of voter fraud in several cases.

    ACORN is tied to William Ayers (Obama’s buddy and the one who got him into politics) as well as the communist party USA (CPUSA) who endorsed Obama’s campaign.

    It’s no wonder Harry Reid was quoted as saying “We need John McCain here in DC” and then turned around and told him to stay away.

  4. guitarwrecker Says:

    Forgot to add- Obama has worked for ACORN and was also part of the team of lawyers that sued and brought about lending practices that forced banks to consider welfare payments as income when reviewing mortgage applicants. I’ve sent either you or Jon emails on all of this stuff in the past couple of months, I wasn’t sure where it was all going but the picture is starting to become clear, isn’t it?

  5. Flagan Says:


    I was taught that anytime someone is rushing you to buy something you are about to get screwed. We are being sold a bill of goods. Bush and his newfound liberal buddies are trying to shove this down our throat. Thank goodness the conservative members of Congress are standing up for us and not getting steamrolled. The conservatives are trying to keep government from swallowing another massive growth pill and putting taxpayers on the hook for this bad paper.

    If they would get out of the way, things would work out. An example is that the largest bank failure in our history occurred yesterday. Washington Mutual went under and their assets were seized. Without any government legislation, J.P.Morgan Chase stepped in and bought them out.

    Speaking for conservatives and libertarians, DON’T fix it. Get out of the way and let free market work. Then Bryan and me won’t be sick for the next twenty years.

  6. Flagan Says:

    guitarwrecker, you beat me to it. My final rant was going to be about ACORN.

  7. guitarwrecker Says:

    The amount of ties between Obama, ACORN, William Ayers, and the CPUSA is staggering.

  8. Flagan Says:

    On a less serious note.

    Depp makes $55 million. Good for him. Gotta love this country.

    Breast milk in ice cream. I can think of a lot of worse things.

    PETA is freaking crazy.

  9. guitarwrecker Says:

    Early warnings by the Bush administration about this

  10. Flagan Says:

    This is not among today’s topics but Barack (“I am my brother’s keeper,”) Obama actually isn’t his brother’s keeper. His half-brother, George Hussein Obama, lives in a hut in Kenya on $1.00 per month. The poverty line in Kenya is $100.00 per year. Millionaire Barack could give his brother $2,500.00 which is about what a plate of food costs at one of his hollywood dinners and ole George would be able to go to school to be a mechanic which is his ambition. But Barack, wants to give $50 BILLION taxpayer dollars to the United Nations every year to spend on the poor of the world. Barack Obama: Do as I say, not as I do.

  11. Flagan Says:

    One other item that you might find interesting Bryan. The DEMS CAN PASS THIS BILL WITHOUT THE HOUSE REPUBLICANS. THEY HAVE THE NUMBERS. They are worried that the taxpayers, of whom only 22% want this bill to pass, will vote them our in November unless the Republicans sign on. If they truly thought this bill was good for Americans and they had our country’s best interest at heart they would go ahead and pass it. This is what McCain did when he voted for the surge against the majority of Americans’ wishes.

    On another note, I just heard that McCain will be at the debate tonight.

  12. diamondheels Says:

    I am a member of PETA- people eating tasty animals. How are they still allowed to be an organization, weren’t they the ones caught killing dogs a while back?

  13. Flagan Says:

    guitarwrecker, Rush just stated that this bill contained money earmarked for ACORN.

  14. John Q. Awesome Says:

    Well, if Rush said it…

  15. heelatious Says:

    I’m on a borrowed computer, my stupid computer is down, but you really need to look at the fine points of this whole mess Hanks. It’s not only the millionaires as you claimed that this is bailing out, it is, by and large, all of these terrible mortgages that these firms were forced to hand out by Mr. Light in the Loafers Barney Frank, for fear of being labeled racist. People went out, and bought houses, they knew darn well they couldn’t afford, and now the chickens are coming home to roost. Get the facts straight, Hanks, you are a news guy now.

  16. Lee Says:

    Really Heelatious? I thought they looked at your credit…

  17. COACH5511 Says:

    It’s more like don’t ask, don’t tell.

  18. heelatious Says:

    I’m glad I can always bring you out of your cave Lee.

    And just so you know, it was in fact Barney Frank, and some of his liberal buddies that pressured these lenders to approve these loans to people they knew couldn’t afford them. Helping out the poor they say, well good plan Barney, we would have been better off if he would’ve stayed home listening to show tunes instead of coming up with this failed policy.

  19. Flagan Says:

    This is a pretty good racket Frank, Dodd, and Obama dreamed up..

    1) Take hundreds of thousands of dollars from these companies..
    2) Force them to make bad loans and go bankrupt.
    3) Hire the people that were running these companies, Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson, to work for the Obama campaign.
    4) Put Frank and Dodd in charge of fixing the mess they were instrumental in creating.
    5) Give themselves hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to fix what their incompetence created.
    6) Blame Bush and McCain.
    7) Laugh all the way to the bank.

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