Morning News Report; Sept. 3, 2008


The Republicans — not Hurricane Gustav — finally took center stage on Tuesday in St. Paul, Minn. President Bush delivered a short message from the White House, Fred Thompson was his usual folksy self in his keynote address and Al Gore’s 2000 running mate, Joe Lieberman, brought the house down with his endorsement of John McCain.

My take: In the interest of full disclosure, I didn’t get to watch any of the live action last night, since I had to cover the Lenoir County school board meeting (fun and exciting!). However, I did get to see the wrap-up on Fox News, CNN and MSNBC, so I got a feel for what happened Tuesday night.

Lieberman was his usual solid self and it was a real coup for the McCain camp. The GOP is/was wise to keep Bush in D.C. — far, far away from St. Paul.

But the best part was Thompson, who was very folksy and likeable on stage. This TV reviewer was very impressed with Thompson’s performance.

The Republicans will trot out vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin tonight — along with her daughter’s potential baby-daddy. Should be good TV again.


The extremely slow moving Hurricane Hanna is expected to bash the Bahamas today and tomorrow before moving across the Atlantic to the U.S. on Friday or Saturday. Here’s the latest National Weather Service map (8 a.m.) that projects Hanna hitting South Carolina at around 2 a.m. on Saturday:


My take: Please listen to what the Emergency Management folks say — be ready for the storm. Get some water, some food and be prepared for anything that could happen.


My dad is heartbroken today as one of his music idols, Jerry Reed, passed away on Monday at the age of 71. Reed was Burt Reynolds’ sidekick in the “Smokey and the Bandit” movies, but had a slew of country music hits, including “When You’re Hot, You’re Hot.”

My take: I listened to quite a bit of Jerry Reed growing up, and I thought he was funny in the SATB movies. RIP.

The iPod shuffle

I Wanna Be A Cowboy — Boys Don’t Cry

First Cup Is The Deepest (Country Version) — Sheryl Crow

Come Monday — Jimmy Buffett

Low — Cracker

Can I Get A — Jay-Z

Reminder: Check out the adjusted prep football schedules blog entry; nearly everyone in our area has moved up their games from Friday to Thursday in anticipation of Hanna. Also, don’t forget to get your picks in by Thursday, since a chunk of games will be played that night.

36 Responses to “Morning News Report; Sept. 3, 2008”

  1. Flagan Says:

    Jerry Reed was the best part of the SATB movies.

    Come Monday is a great song.

    Fred Thompson’s speech last night was very good. A point that he made is that believing Obama’s tax plan will only affect rich people is insane. Here are his exact words, “Now our opponents tell you not to worry about their tax increases. They tell you they are not going to tax your family. No, they’re just going to tax “businesses”! So unless you buy somethng from a “business”, like groceries or clothes or gasoline…or unless you get a paycheck from a big or small “business”, don’t worry…it’s not going to affect you.”

    I have been trying to think how to make this point but couldn’t come up with the words. Now I don’t have to, this explains it perfectly.

    Lieberman’s speech wasn’t as rousing but it is informative that an independent and former Democaratic party nominee for VP who relies on the Democratic party’s voters to get reelected put his Senatorial career at stake to speak on McCain’s behalf.

  2. Lee Says:

    If you could find out Hank what the prognosis of the ECU will be, it would be greatly appreciated.

  3. randycapps Says:

    The prognosis is likely to be a wet one…

  4. guitarwrecker Says:

    If you want to watch the convention without listening to a bunch of talking heads with diarrhea of the mouth, CSPAN has coverage without commentary.
    Some very compelling speeches made last night with more to come I’m sure.

  5. Flagan Says:

    Tonight’s speech should be compelling with a capital C, guitarwrecker.

  6. guitarwrecker Says:

    You’ve got that right Flagan. I was happy to see Thompson and Lieberman tell it like it is, can’t wait to see Palin take the stage.

    After announcing her as the VP candidate McCain’s campaign took in an additional 7 million dollars in less than three days- I think people are excited about this woman.

  7. heelsfan Says:

    Hello, to all my favorite people that I have missed for so long…………………Heelsfan has not dies, just been busy as hell working, and dealing with other things. Hope everybody is doing well, and I hope to jump up here again soon and piss people off…….just kidding guys. Go Hawks Thursday night!

  8. Flagan Says:

    Go Barracuda tonight!

  9. highflyingbird Says:

    heelsfan…you are alive….should be a good game Thursday nite both teams at 2-0…you’ll have somebody pissed off by Friday nite.

  10. Native Son Says:

    Let me get this right the GOP trots out Fred Thompson (an actor), who himself had no political platform, Joe Lieberman (a turn coat) to convince & enflame Jewish fears. Now, tonight Sarah Palin (abstinance only Sex Education) whose 17 y/o daughter is pregnant, which I agree could happen to anyone. However, when Palin accepted the nomination as a VP candidate she knew her stance on Sex Ed. would make her daughter’s pregnancy an issue. So when people cry that her poor daughter is being victimized, Palin had the option of not placing her daughter under the microscope. Is it that her political ambitions were more important than shielding her child. Honestly, the ball was in her court and she made her choice, would you have done the same?

  11. Flagan Says:

    Fred Thompson was a US Senator from Tennessee in addition to being an actor. You seem to leave out information like this little fact. The reason they brought out an actor, as you put it, was in response to the Dems putting the most liberal Senator in the US at the head of their ticket and having him ACT like he’s anything other than the socialist his plans and his record make him out to be.

    Oh yeah, speak of leaving out facts you linked McCain to the Keatting Five. You neglected to mention that the other four Senators were leading members of the Democrat party at the time. You also neglected to mention that McCain and John Glenn were cleared of wrongdoing.

    Lieberman is a turncoat only if this is China or Russia.

    Tonight we have Sarah Palin who isn’t ashamed of her daughter and therefore has no reason to run back to Alaska to hide. She is teaching her daughter a good lesson, that when people with no standards attack you, you stand up for yourself.

    Contrast this with the speakers last week. We have Ted Kennedy who murdered a girl because he was more worried about himself then standing up and owning your mistakes. The coroner determined that she SUFFOCATED after approximately three hours in a pocket of air underneath the water. Kennedy took your advice and ran back and hid from the problem that HE caused. If he would have stood up and faced it head on like Palin is doing, that gfirl would be alive.

    Another “great” speaker from last week was sleeping with everybody in Washington DC but his wife and lying under oath about it. Another fine example of your idea of running from your mistakes instead of standing up and being responsible.

    How about “I love America” Michelle Obama. She hates America until she’s pulled from the campaign trail and given a month of indoctrination. Now she understands that she is to hide her true feelings until after the election.

  12. The Kid Says:

    I just read this article about a team in California that runs an offense where any of the 11 men on the field can be eligible reciever. I figured Flagan and some of you other guys, may find this interesting.

  13. guitarwrecker Says:

    Native- let me try help you understand.
    Senator Fred Thompson served as a senator for 8 years.
    He chaired the International Security Advisory Board at the United States Department of State.
    He is a member of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.
    Not to mention he is a visiting Fellow with the American Enterprise Institute, specializing in national security and intelligence.

    Hardly “just an actor”.

    You call Senator Lieberman a turncoat. Is that the term liberal’s use when a politician works with both parties- instead of working to earn the title “most liberal” as Obama has?

    Governor Palin’s stance on sex education has nothing to do with the media dragging a young girls story all over the TV and internet. The media holds the blame for dragging it out- tabloid style.
    Here’s what Governor Palin said about Sex education/ abstinence-
    Palin backed abstinence-only education during her 2006 gubernatorial race. In an Eagle Forum Alaska questionnaire, Palin gave this response to the following question:

    Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education INSTEAD of for explicit sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?

    Palin: Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.

    Native- what that means is that INSTEAD of explicit sex-ed she would rather see abstinence education. Doesn’t say she’s opposed to other types of sex-ed but that she is opposed to explicit sex-ed.
    It may be hard for liberals to digest the fact that she answered the question directly and concisely instead of dancing around the matter. I know, it’s a refreshing CHANGE, isn’t it? A direct answer to an either or question.

    On the other hand Obama thinks we ought to be teaching kids about sex as young as the third grade.

    Why the liberals have their hair on fire about this has nothing to do with sex-ed. They see it as something they can gossip about and point fingers over.
    -Nevermind the fact that millions of pregnant teen girls could quite possibly find that they have something in common with a Vice President’s child that is doing the right thing and realize they aren’t isolated in the world with no one to identify with and no choices other than what Planned Parenthood tells them.

    -Nevermind the fact that millions of fathers of children born out of wedlock could look at Mr. Johnston and see an example of a young man taking responsibility for his actions instead of throwing mother and child by the wayside.

    Liberals fail to understand, it’s not necessarily always the challenge that defines one’s character, sometimes it how you handle the challenge. Ms. Palin and Mr. Johnston seem to be handling it fine.

  14. Flagan Says:

    How could I forget Joe Biden. He was elected Senator in 1972 at the age of 30. So Obama, who is for change, chose a man who has been in DC for over half his life. (36 years) Let me get this right, Obama said that Palin was, “more of the same.” He really said that after making this pick? WOW! I guess all of us in small town, middle-class America are too busy reading our Bibles and cleaning our guns to see the hypocrisy of this.

    He was chosen to be VP because Obama was being skewered for his inexperience and his knowledge of foreign affairs so he chose someone to address those issues. Obama’s first executive decision in his life and he lets the Republicans cow him into this horrendous choice. From this we can assume that Putin will be making his foreign affairs decisions if he wins Oh yeah, Biden’s knowledge of foreign affairs was delayed by the 5 deferrments he received during the Vietnam War. How does that compare to McCain who served on the front lines despite the fact that his father and grandfather were Admirals as you pointed out. A person with two Admirals in the family could have chosen to stay off the front lines. To recap: McCain chose to serve his country, Biden followed your advise and he ran and hid.

    But let’s address your idea that Palin puts politics first. You obviously have a double standard. Palin’s daughter is going to get married and have her child. She is 17 and capable of taking care of herself and her father is taking time off from work to help. Joe Biden’s wife and infant daughter died in 1972 in a car wreck. His two boys who weren’t even school age yet were seriously injured in this wreck. Biden opted to be sworn in at the hospital even though his boys were seriously injured, were too young to take care of themselves, and had no other parent there helping out. Yet Palin’s choice is the one out of these two that you criticize. Go figure!

  15. tyler_gradysl_08 Says:

    Wow…..Guitar and Flagan really know there stuff. You two are both hitting the nails on the head.

    Is it me or is most of the “press,” with the exception of Fox News, really showing just how left they are. Anyone see Katie Couric and Rudy having there talk. Anyone notice how much she was defending the Democrats…..but no, they are all un-biased…..

  16. Flagan Says:

    Kid, I saw a post on NC Preps about that offense. Many coaches and one referee said that it was illegal. Hope all is well at school. Matt hopes to go there for physical therapy school once he receives his undergraduate degree.

  17. Flagan Says:

    tyler, do like guitarwrecker suggested and watch the convention on CSPAN. Then you can see it without all the spin.

  18. tyler_gradysl_08 Says:

    I just read what the Kid Posted…that is VERY interesting. I wish I would’ve gone there haha.

  19. guitarwrecker Says:

    Not to mention the fact that Biden and Obama are tied into the Iraqi oil for food scandal along with convicted felon tony rezko…

  20. tyler_gradysl_08 Says:

    I already have it set up on TIVO. Thanks.

  21. Native Son Says:

    You seem to be just a bit excited, you must know these folks personally in order to know their standards so well. Thanks for pointing out that Thompson was at one time a senator. However, that is hardly the reason he was allowed to speak, his notoriety comes from being an actor and that is the primary reason he was allowed a forum. But Republicans like actors.
    McCain as you say was not charged as one of the Keating 5, but he was reprimanded for excercising “poor judgement”.
    As for Kennedy, I don’t believe he was ever convicted of a crime in regard to that incident. So according your stated beliefs you should be the first defend him.
    I never said Palin should hide, I merely stated that she made a personal choice knowing full well that her daughter would be thrown into the spotlight.
    Planned Parenthood also advises abstinance, contraception, hygiene and resposibility, etc.
    Furthermore, you attempt to place people into neat little boxes that say conservative, liberal etc. Unfortunately, for you life is not that simple no one is completely one or the other. You call me a liberal, but you praise McCain for what you say is bipartisanship.
    Also, you know very little about me if anything and right you begin to to attempt to label me. Who is being judgemental, and commencing with the personal attacks?
    GW Why are you so angry? What is it you believe you are being denied and who is it you believe is denying you?

  22. guitarwrecker Says:

    Denied what?

    Couldn’t see where I addressed you as liberal either…

  23. The Kid Says:

    Flagan, I’m done with school. I’m actually living in Tampa now. The Firm I’m with relocated me and everything. Hope all is well on the south side of the county. And tell Matt I said good luck this season.

  24. Native Son Says:

    I don’t know, you just sounded a little angry, I thought I would ask.
    “Liberal” in the third paragraph, unless I misunderstood: “You call Senator Lieberman a turncoat. Is that the term liberal’s use…”
    Now, I personally believe that teaching abstinance only does not work, when kids are older enough to realize what mommy and daddy are doing.

    Anyway, maybe you can convert me I had Sex Ed. in high school, I don’t think there was anything explicit about it. This is not about her daughter, what is it that Palin opposes.

  25. guitarwrecker Says:

    I’m not angry-not in the least. I’ve got too much on my plate to get angry on the internet.:)
    Also-not my intention to directly label you a liberal- even though I thought your statement came off as such.
    In fact I think it’s hilarious that the democrats/ liberals/lefties whatever you want to call them cry and cry about why Governor Palin is such a bad pick, not qualified, blah, blah. Wouldn’t they LIKE him to make a poor choice?
    If she is such a poor candidate why in the world don’t they confront her on the issues- instead of attacking her child? It’s all they’ve got, that’s why. Nothing but speculation and gossip-just like the rest of the gossip they’ve spread about her.

    In any case- they didn’t bring this up because of Palin’s views- they brought it up because they thought it would turn off religious conservatives. It’s convenient to hitch their wagon to the abstinence horse but they’ve conveniently left out the whole story on her statement. They look like they’re in a panic.

    I think what they are speaking of when they say “explicit” is the graphic depictions, hands-on demonstrations (no pun intended), discussion of alternative lifestyles, etc. etc.
    The way sex is discussed in schools now is far and away different from when you and I were probably in school.
    Nonetheless- I believe the girl has graduated or is graduating from high school.
    When I was her age (17), I became a Soldier. Nothing wrong with taking on big responsibility at that age- I sure did.

  26. tyler_gradysl_08 Says:

    Very well said guitar.

  27. Rocky Says:

    FWIW, an actor was the best president we ever had! Put that in your pipe & smoke it.

  28. Flagan Says:

    Back from the convention. Hey Native Son, hope you’re doing well.

    Republicans don’t like actors, they LOVE one President who happened to be an actor. By the way he’s not best known for acting.

    We can agree McCain showed “poor judgment”. He shouldn’t have been hanging out with those three corrupt Democrat Senators.

    I’m giving you facts from the autopsy. She lived three hours after going into the river. Kennedy ran because he was worried more about his career than her life. Do you really think a Kennedy was going to be convicted during that era of anything. That’s about as naive as thinking O.J. Simpson was going to be convicted during the Rodney King era.

    You insinuated that Palin should run and hide. Your attempt to change your position came about as quick as Obama’s position change on Jerusalem.

  29. Flagan Says:

    Hawaii’s governor made a good point last night. Obama dismissed Palin because she comes from a small town. The state that she governs has the same number of electoral votes as Delaware, Biden’s state AND you can fit 250 Delaware’s inside the borders of Alaska.

  30. Flagan Says:

    Kid, how do you like Tampa? We stayed across the bridge in Sarasota for a week when Matt was playing in the AAU World Series.

    Matt’s team lost 12-6 in their first game to Birmingham-Southern. They will play at Jacksonville on Saturday, September 13. If you feel like taking a ride across the state let me know and I’ll get him to get you a ticket.

  31. heelatious Says:

    Been under the weather the last couple of days, but how about Sarah Palin’s speech. She even had democratic sympathizers praising her. I thought she came out, on the biggest stage, literally and figuratively of her political career, and knocked it out of the park. I loved Rudy’s speech as well, man did he tear into Elvis, uh I mean, Obama last night.

    Native son,

    I think you lost all right to argue political points for not knowing Fred Thompson was in the U.S. Senate. You know he did do something besides play D.A. Arthur Branch on Law & Order…(insert sound effect here).

    The dems are scrambling, because they know they’ve got a fight on their hands. You know it’s dire straits for them, when the only criticism they can manage about her speech, was that it was written by a speech writer. Hilarious, who do they think writes the speeches for their hero, the king of the teleprompter, Obama. You’ve got to love the double standard that exists in the media, right on down to the speeches.

  32. heelatious Says:

    BTW- Like your line about how the GOP is going to “trot” out Sarah Palin, like she’s a show horse. Her “daughter’s baby daddy” huh, nice Hanks, tell us again about your Switzerland-like stance in this election again. You were slobbering all over Obama and co. last week, what with his inspiring speeches, and this week is filled with a smear campaign against Palin, and snide comments about her, and her daughter…AGAIN.

  33. Flagan Says:

    Hey heelatious glad to see you back.

    Some great visuals from last night. One was when the speech was over and Sarah was holding her son she held him so that the crowd could see him. She’s honestly proud of all her children; pregnant, Down’s syndrome, and soldier. Number two was when her 7-year old daughter, Piper, licked her fingers and fixed her 4-month old brother’s hair. Number three was Bristol’s future husband, Levi, chewing gum on the stage.

    These are people just like us and with regard to her child with Down’s syndrome and their decision to have him better than a lot of us.

  34. heelatious Says:

    Thanks Flagan, still feeling like crap, but hopefully getting better.

    I meant to put it in my other post, but I was wondering how many people saw Lynn Swan in the crowd of delegates. I know I saw at least two brief shots of him during Palin’s speech. I know he was running for I believe it was governor of Pennsylvania, and to be honest, I’m not sure how that turned out for him. Nice to see him there though.

  35. Flagan Says:

    I saw Swann as well.

  36. Native Son Says:

    All fun & games, casual banter aside. How are the trials that involved Rodney King and OJ Simpson relevant to politics? Is it the same reason that you could not imagine yourself supporting Barack Obama?

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