Vote for Josh Hatch!

South Lenoir’s Josh Hatch is in the running for a statewide player of the week award, sponsored by something called the N.C. STEP “No Spit”All-Stars.

He is in the running against players from Winston-Salem Mount Tabor, Catawba Bandys, Chapel Hill, West Craven and Washington. I just voted and he’s in third place.

Let’s get behind him, Lenoir County! Get in there and vote by going here. When you’re on the site, go to the “click here to vote” link.

Thanks to our good friend Lesli Casey for sending me this info.

11 Responses to “Vote for Josh Hatch!”

  1. heelatious Says:

    Voted for him, despite the fact that Hunter Furr, one of the other nominees is a future Tar Heel.

  2. Lesli Says:

    Thanks heelatious!

  3. Lee Says:

    Let me get to a computer with a router and see if I can rig the vote.

  4. diamondheels Says:

    Hatch is up to second place, only two votes behind as of 9:15 this morning. Look at you heelatious, voting for a SL player, you are making big strides in your old age.

  5. heelatious Says:

    You know me diamond, give, give and never take. Old age? you’re about a year behind me ain’t ya big guy. In fact, based on looks, you look like you’re about 10 years ahead of me.

    I kid, I kid.

  6. Lesli Says:

    Thanks again to all of you for voting. 1 vote per hour per computer, so if you get the chance to vote again, please do. It would be wonderful for Lenoir county to have the first week’s winner. And in the weeks to come- if anyone is nominated from NL or KHS, I’ll be just as enthusiastic in my voting for them.

  7. Bryan Hanks Says:

    Lesli — I know you will. And I appreciate the way our bloggers have come through, too — but he’s trailing 62-56 in online votes and we don’t know how the e-mail votes are going.

    Stuff that ballot box!

  8. heelatious Says:

    According to the site, he’s down by 2 votes, as of 1:17a.m. this morning.

    I voted again. Don’t I get a SL hat or something for this dedication I’m showing to a Devil.

  9. heelatious Says:

    That’s three votes from me. Now I think I’ve earned lunch with ‘Ol Jimmy.

  10. diamondheels Says:

    I’ve got a hat for ya heels, it’s the one I wear when I’m cutting grass. It is probably about as old as you are, well it looks pretty old anyway.

  11. heelatious Says:

    Wow, the good people of Washington must have REALLY stuffed the ballot box. That Washington kid was up by 90 votes when I just checked. Hatch finished second.

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