Morning News Report; August 15, 2008


Singer-songwriter Jackson Browne has sued John McCain’s campaign for using his 1977 hit “Running On Empty” in ads. Evidently the left-leaning Browne doesn’t want to be associated with McCain.

My take: Good for Browne. That music is his property and if he doesn’t want it used, then McCain (and his surrogates) need to stop using it.

By the way — “Running On Empty” is one of my favorite all-time songs, as it is my dad’s, too. Every year Browne mentions in the song lines up with my dad — they were born the same year (1948), only eight days apart.


The United States lost to Cuba, 5-4, in 11 innings to drop to 1-2 in the Beijing Olympics — and it didn’t come without controversy. In the Olympics now, if a game goes into the 11th inning, men are placed automatically on first and second base and the coach can decide where in his lineup he wants his batter.

J.J. Cooper of Baseball America does a pretty good job trying to describe what happened here.

My take: Huh? Is this baseball or Little League — and even Little League doesn’t have that kind of rule, does it? Good grief. Maybe it’s a good thing there isn’t going to be baseball in the 2012 Games — since this isn’t real baseball, anyway.


Of course, Lee would say this wasn’t heroic (since the baby wasn’t yet born — sorry, Lee), but 30 strangers in New York City lifted a 5-ton bus off a pregnant meter maid who’d become pinned underneath. The lady died, but the baby was saved in an emergency C-section.

My take: I hate that the woman died, but we should all throw up some prayers for the baby to make it. What a heroic thing for those people to come together to try to save that lady’s life — would you do the same if presented with the situation?

The iPod shuffle

White Room — Cream

Miami — Will Smith

Gimme All Your Lovin’ — ZZ Top

America The Beautiful — Frank Sinatra

Turn The Beat Around — Vickie Sue Robinson

P.S. — A reminder: If you’re in the HBFL, please go activate your team or e-mail me at Thanks!

3 Responses to “Morning News Report; August 15, 2008”

  1. guitarwrecker Says:

    Apparently as soon as the Ohio RNC got word that Browne objected they pulled the ad.
    Jackson is doing nothing but tying up the courts here.
    How many other campaigns have used songs without permission- I’d guess most of them.

    On a slightly related note- If I pay to see someone perform I don’t want to hear about his/her politics. For some reason a lot of these “celebrities” think their status gives them some innate knowledge of the world that us normal folk can’t grasp. Some of us normal folk might call that elitism.

  2. randycapps Says:

    I’ve often wondered why anybody gets excited about who actors endorse in elections.

    These are people who pretend for a living.

  3. guitarwrecker Says:

    The ones that get excited about celeb endorsements are usually the ones that when asked a question about it respond with “I feel” instead of “I think”.

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