Football Media Guides 2008

It’s that time of year again when the college football media guides coming pouring into the office. For whatever reason, we get two and sometimes three guides from universities all over the country.

As I’ve done the past two or three years, if there is a team you want — and we’ve got a spare — I’ll send it to you. Just ask. But this is first-come, first-serve, so send me an e-mail to and if we have an extra (and you’re the first person to ask for it), I’ll mail it to you.

10 Responses to “Football Media Guides 2008”

  1. John Q. Awesome Says:

    Got one for N.C. State?

  2. PaulD Says:

    I don’t understand why, in these economically trying times, athletic departments still print 4/color, glossy, 200+ page publications and then pay to mail them to mailing lists which are usually out of date.

    I think schools could save at least $20K if they went digital with media guides.

  3. stitch Says:

    Mississippi State?

  4. Lee Says:

    Hanks, send me one for ECU and I’ll cut down my cursing on the blog by 0.05%.

  5. alan Says:

    Please send me Elon.

  6. encmetalhead Says:

    People can’t read can they? He asked for you to email him…

  7. Lee Says:

    ENC, “Phyuk Yiu” called. He needs to speak with you.

  8. clownface Says:

    Send me the one for UNC. My dog is looking something to play with.

  9. ECPirates11 Says:

    touche Mr. Clownface. good stuff.

  10. stitch Says:

    Since I haven’t heard anything….is it safe to assume you don’t have a Mississippi State media guide?

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