Dr. Randy Bledsoe leaving Greene Central for God’s Country

Greene Central Principal Dr. Randy Bledsoe resigned his post in Snow Hill and he will be the new superintendent of Elkin City Schools. Yes, that’s God’s Country — I grew up about 10 miles from Elkin and spent all my weekends chasing those sweet Elkin girls.

But I digress. Congratulations to Dr. Bledsoe, who is originally from Dobson, which is in the same county (Surry) as Elkin. Greene County is a lesser place without him.

3 Responses to “Dr. Randy Bledsoe leaving Greene Central for God’s Country”

  1. PaulD Says:

    Wow. yet another departure from GC. I won’t recognize that place this year. Well, BJ will still be there but that’s about it.

    What’s the word on his replacement, BH?

  2. Wimpyman Says:

    “Chasing those sweet Elkin girls?”

    Was this as an adult or a teenager?

  3. Bryan Hanks Says:

    Wimpyman — Just as a teenager; I left the Elkin area after I graduated from high school…

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