Well-wishes for the Kinston Vikings

I’ve had several of you e-mail me for a post to send your well-wishes to the Kinston basketball team; well — here you go.

The Vikings (27-4) play Trinity (30-1) tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. We’re going to have a special pull-out fan’s guide to take with you to the game that includes rosters, records, schedules, stories and all sorts of goodies.

If you can’t go to the game, Keith Spence and I will be blogging live from the Dean Dome; Spence will be giving live, play-by-play action while I’ll provide some analysis at halftime and at the end of the game.

Also, Clark Tutt and the boys at TACC-9 will provide live audio of the game on his station. Steve Oliver, Jeff Howard and Chris Hemeyer will give you play-by-play and color analysis from the game.

But if you can make it up there, go! Trinity travels very well, I’m told, so your Vikings are going to need your support.

One Response to “Well-wishes for the Kinston Vikings”

  1. devil27 Says:

    Good Luck, Vikes! Bring the championship home to Lenoir County.

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