Tommy Mattocks on dead ball times

Our good friend Tommy Mattocks runs a nifty little Web site here in which he instructs the basketball officials in his association. I try to check it out once a week (which is how often he posts) just to get a feel on what’s going on with officials.

His instruction this week is golden: it’s about the need for officials to pay more attention to coaches and players (particularly players) during dead ball times.

My favorite part (taken straight from his site): Game after game, when the whistle sounds, the officials relax.  Many stroll around with their head down simply going form one position to the next.  With the seriousness of what can happen during this some times volatile dead ball time frame, we might want to upgrade our attention span.  Those first few seconds after a whistle are critical. It is hard to explain why one out of three officials did not see a player push another player, get in a player’s face or taunt an opponent.  A good attentive referee could defuse many of these situations if only he saw they as they happen.

My take: Bravo, Mr. Mattocks! I, too, have noticed more dead-ball activity this season than any in my sixth season in ENC. Kudos to you for pointing it out. I hope your officials pick up on it, too…

5 Responses to “Tommy Mattocks on dead ball times”

  1. heelsfan Says:

    Nifty little site? Looks like crap if you ask me Hanks, And Tommy Mattocks is NOT everybody’s friend. He plays favorites to certain officials, and coaches in the area, so please son’t speak for everyone when you say that. My take: He’s a pompous jerk, but hey that’s just my opinion!

  2. Bryan Hanks Says:

    Heelsfan — why oh why oh why do you have to denigrate everything you touch, see or read? This post has been up here for several days and NO ONE has said anything negative about Tommy.

    I know you’ve been here a lot longer than I, but in my five-plus years here, I have never heard anyone say anything negative about Tommy. He’s a home-town boy who loves this area and does a fantastic job from everyone I’ve ever talked to! I know the area basketball coaches respect him.

    But, this is a forum for open opinions and that’s yours. It’s certainly not mine.

  3. heelsfan Says:

    Hanks, thanks for the last comment……….But, this is a forum for open opinions and that’s yours. It’s certainly not mine. It is my opinion, and my opinion only! I turly don’t like him, just like people don’t like me. He will lose no sleep over my comments, as I won’t over others peoples comment about me.

    Sorry for the neagtive stuff, but again, that’s how I see it. You are right I have been here allot longer than you, but as far as his basketball stuff is concerned I think he does a good job with that, as I’m sure that’s a tough job scheduling all those games, so I will commend him for that. But as far as his baseball umpring skills………………that would take all day to discuss. He is calling college ball, only because of the people he KNOWS. His skills are middle school at best on the baseball field, and I feel people should be awarded the opportunity to call baseball games, on experience, professionalism, and many other things. You should not be awarded those opportunities because of who you know.

    In closing, next time you see Coach Lancaster at Mt. Olive, ask him why Tommy can’t call there anymore………………because he’s not fit too!

  4. bluedevil99 Says:

    but hanks, heelsfan isnt trying to start anything…

  5. rousehouse Says:

    I don’t usually comment but I just have too. Thanks to Mr Mattock for bringing this to the refs attention.. One request ….. can you ask them just to call it the same on both ends of the court. Lately it has become very noticeable that some refs show lots of favoritism to certain teams.

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