Happy New Year!

As I head out of the office for the final time in 2007, I want to throw some special thank-you’s to you guys who have made this the No. 1 blog in Freedom Communications (outside of the 200,000-circulation Orange County Register). We’re now getting more than 45,000 page views a month, which ranks us No. 4 in all of Freedom and only behind three blogs at the OCR.

You guys rock. It blows their mind that a blog at one of the smallest papers in our chain is doing so well. Thanks!

Be smart tonight and stay away from the idiots. I’m excited about 2008 and I hope you are, too!

7 Responses to “Happy New Year!”

  1. Taplie Coile Says:

    >You guys rock.

    Dude, you rock! Thanks for the blog. Happy New Year!


  2. Will the Thrill Says:

    Happy New Year, Hanks.

  3. heelatious Says:

    Happy New Year Hanks, and you’re welcome. Thanks for putting good thought provoking stories up here. BTW- How is that crow sandwich tasting on New Year’s Day. Joe Gibbs and the ‘Skins win their last four and make the playoffs by shellacking the Cowboys by 21 points, coincidence?

  4. heelatious Says:

    Inside Carolina has a front page feature on Reggie Bullock on their site. Unfortunately, you have to have premium access to read it, of which I don’t have.

    Hey bw, surely you pony up the jack, how about a link.

  5. Will the Thrill Says:

    Heelatious, that’s all well and good that the Washington Foreskins beat my beloved Cowboys by 21, but look who is playing at home the whole way through…

    13-3 baby…

  6. heelsfan Says:

    Speak on it Wil! The deadskins won, because we didn’t need the game, not did we need to get anybody else hurt ( TO, Romo’s thumb) It’s all good cause we will roll only when we need to! Da boys rule!

  7. jwade Says:

    happy new year hanks


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