Solemn article on what Coach Aldridge is going through …

I’m sure many of you remember the tragedy that befell East Duplin football coach Brian Aldridge in December. Here is a very well-written article about that and how Coach Aldridge is dealing with it by Chuck Carree of the Wilmington Star-News.

Ironically, South Lenoir plays at East Duplin to wrap the regular season this Friday.

One Response to “Solemn article on what Coach Aldridge is going through …”

  1. heelsfan Says:

    A touching article about a fine coach who has been through so much. I wish Coach Aldridge and his family the very best as they continue to cope with the loss of their daughter. East Duplin will lose a Class Act when Coach steps down, but I hope the time off will help him with the healing process. My prayers are with him and his family still!

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