Need some advice…

I’m in the throes of the Jones Post right now (yay!), but I need to know whether you guys want me to include ECU’s trip to West Virginia in this week’s picks. The Mountaineers are 24-point favorites, meaning literally every one of us will pick WVU. Should I include that game in the picks? Let me know.

I will update our picks standings, post my votes for the AP prep football poll (which aren’t due until tomorrow), update the HBFL and have some other goodies up here later today.

42 Responses to “Need some advice…”

  1. heelsfan Says:

    absolutely not HANKS! There is no reason to add that game, because your right everyone will pick WV, just find another game with a closer spread to make it more challenging.

  2. ECPirates11 Says:

    I’d put it up there. You put ECU every week. You could pick the game and make everyone take the points or give them. That will make it more challenging for you. Personally I don’t think we’ll get beat by 24 but thats me. You probably shouldn’t put the UNC game up there either though b/c unless they play a I-AA team thats a loss too.

  3. Johnny Kennedy Says:

    No way ECU loses by 24.

  4. Bryan Hanks Says:

    JK — so you vote for …?

  5. coliver Says:

    Put it in Hanks, because you would pick the Pirates, right? I mean, you did tell us they were going 10-2 right, so they have to win the rest of them, right?

  6. Bryan Hanks Says:

    COliver — don’t hate! I actually said 9-3, which is still very possible.

  7. coliver Says:

    Not hating, just saying. So they are going to run the table after this weekend? Wow, we will see I guess, I dont see it at all.

  8. heelsfan Says:

    ECPirates, I like the negative feedback concerning UNC. Just so you know you guys sport the same record as the Tarheels right now at 1-3, with your 1 win coming against us, and your proud right now because why?

    We will win a few more game this season and they won’t be against a 1-AA team, you boys just hope you can get things straight before the beat sown you receive this weekend courtesy of the Mountaineers!

  9. heelsfan Says:

    the beat down that is not sown.

  10. Johnny Kennedy Says:

    Put the game in with the points.

  11. ECPirates11 Says:

    heelsfan, I probably shouldn’t have shot back w/the negative feedback. I would just like to see you back off and give ECU a shot at winning 1 game this year. But the fact that our records are the same isn’t very fair. Both our losses were to teams who would beat you and both teams you have beat so far. And we may lose to WVU, but it’ll be alot closer than you might think. At least we have confidence and feel like we have a shot going there. Don’t forget 2 years ago when they barely escaped w/a 20-15 win.

    I think 8-4 is realistic for the Pirates which is what I had them at before the season but we could also be 7-5. Alot is going to depend on the Houston and UCF games. Those are the 2 I foresee us struggling with right now after this weekend.

  12. PeteyPablo Says:

    The pirates could be very easily be 1-5 after the next three games. Many ECU fans think they have a really good defense and unfortunately the VT game only solidified that ironeous idea. We have seen over the last 2 weeks that VT has a horrible offense while ECU has been exposed on defense. Look for WVU to score early and often. This game might last 5 hours with all the stops that will take place for kickoffs and extra points. Houston and UCF will both probably be favored against ECU. So if they go 1-5 staring at UTEP….it will not be a pretty picture.

    Hanks…stop drinking the kool-aid man. There is a reason ECU is a 24 point underdog!

  13. ECPirates11 Says:

    Petey, is that the same reason they were 24 pt underdogs going to VaTech? And the Pirates could also very easily be 3-3 going to UTEP. What then? Don’t write off the Pirates until its over.

  14. PeteyPablo Says:

    Let me type this slowly so you will understand. When I say they COULD BE 1-5 that does not mean they will be. VT was vastly overrated when the season started. They have a very bad OL. That is why they cant get their running game going and why they switched to their back up QB who can make plays with his legs. Glennon was a sitting duck. ECU could very well be 3-3. I actually think they will be 2-4. An overall record of 5-7 is probably likely. Fear not though. UNC starts basketball practice in Oct so ECU fans have that to look forward to. I know I just ended that sentence with a preposition….

  15. ECPirates11 Says:

    No true Pirates are looking forward to UNC basketball practice. That’s what all the UNC fans are waiting on b/c they have already ridden off football season like they do every year. Wal-Mart probably has a countdown when you walk in for all the non-educated UNC fans there are in America. And congratulations on knowing what a preposition is amigo. Probably more than most UNC “fans” know. Notice I’m not including UNC graduates in that b/c I actually am realistic unlike most of them, and know that UNC actually is a good school.

  16. PeteyPablo Says:

    Please don’t confuse me with an UNC-ch fan.

    I am just on here to give Hanks a hard time about him picking ECU to finish 9-3.

    Hanks you still playing ball on Sat morning with Jeff and the fellows up at the church?

  17. jwade Says:

    hanks, i say put it in with this weeks picks. i would also add unc @ south florida. with the way this past week went for most of us, we need two gimme picks.

  18. heelsfan Says:

    ECPirates you are turning into a A$$HOLE just like the olf FDP, and gd were with these comment syour making! Don’t start bringing up Walmart, and uneducated people ok? Everybody knows that its harder to get into UNC than it is EZU, so you truly don’t want to start on that issue. Just all I’m asking is don’t start with the name calling, and all that Walmart BS. Petey and me for one are simply stating that WE think ECU is gonna lose and probably big, that’s our take dude and nothing else. Don’t start all this other bs like before!

  19. PeteyPablo Says:

    ^^ nice one there jwade! i am still laughing at that.

  20. Taplie Coile Says:

    I agree with jwade- put the game in. At this point, I need all the help I can get.

  21. heelatious Says:

    Not that I have “written” off the football season, but if I did, I would spell it that way.

    Here’s your easy solution Hanks, for all the pirate fans that want the WVU/EZU game included, fine include it with one stipulation, they have to take the pirates. That should end all this foolishness.

    For the record ECpirates, tell me about football when you come to the Hill in ’09. Skippy has had his time to try and build his program, give Butch more than three games, and then let’s compare. I’m guessing it will come out…Butch>Lou’s boy.

  22. encmetalhead Says:

    i would pick the just cause i think they can acutally win against WVU so put them in and let me shwo these fools how i role

  23. The Kid Says:

    i think we should pick against the spread in every game

  24. ECPirates11 Says:

    heelsfan, I know its alot harder to get into UNC than ECU. I’m not trying to downgrade the education someone gets from UNC in anyway. I was simply stating that alot of UNC’s fans are not UNC graduates. That is all. That is why I made it a point to separate the graduates from the others in my post. Did not mean to offend any UNC graduates at all. Hope that clears that up. And all I’m doing is standing up for my university which is exactly what you do when someone states something about how UNC is going to lose and get killed and what not.

    and heelatious, I will be back to talk football w/you in 2009. I think Butch is going to make UNC better, but Skip isn’t done w/his work either. IF and thats IF he’s here in 2009 I will look for a Pirate victory. However, if he’s moved on to another institution by then, I’m probably gonna have to go w/the Tar heels unless we miraculously got some big name coach. Skip=best coach in NC at this time

  25. Flagan Says:

    ECP11 going by your logic you should not be a fan of any pro team unless you played for that team. The term fan does not in any way imply graduate.

  26. Flagan Says:

    And what about those that didn’t attend college.

  27. heelatious Says:


    I think you would get many people to make the arguement that Jim Grobe is currently the best coach in the state.

  28. Bryan Hanks Says:

    Quite honestly, I’d say Jerry Moore (Happy Appy) is the best college coach in N.C.

  29. heelatious Says:

    You’ve got to love what App. St. has done the last three years, but to do what Jim Grobe did in winning the newly expanded ACC championship, with Wake Forrest, trumps App. St. to me.

  30. Lee Says:

    If Skip ever gets the Pirates to national attention, you can bet your asses the minute a high-profile school comes along and offers him a multi-million dollar contract, he’ll take the money and run. Can’t say the same for Butch.

    Anyone want to disagree with me on that?

  31. heelsfan Says:

    ECpirates, so are you saying all ECU fans went to ECU? And what is up with all you ECU people always going back to the statement of “Did you graduate from there” who gives a rats a$$ where you went to school, or anybody else for that matter? Anybody up here has the right to pull for any team that they want, so why are you always hung up on the graduate part of it? Does it pain you, or upset you that everybody in Eastern North Carolina doesn’t like ECU, because I’m not offended by the UNC haters. I really bothers me to hear people like you, who for one think you are soooooo educated because you went to ECU get up here and rant about pointless things. It’s the people like you that give ECU a bad name.

    And Lee, you are right Skip will be long gone as soon as a BIGGER and BETTER School comes along for sure!

  32. ECPirates11 Says:

    I’m not saying you had to attend there to like the school. I think the % of ECU fans that are alumni is much higher than the % of UNC fans that are alumni though. I didn’t ask if anyone graduated from there. I was putting them both in there b/c I was saying the ones who did not attend UNC aka the “wal-mart” fans are the ones who countdown for basketball season right now and are not the true UNC fans. It doesn’t bother me that not everyone likes ECU around here. I have plenty of friends that are UNC grads/current students/fans. It’s people like you that give UNC a bad name though. I’m not sure if you are so hung up on UNC being so much better than everyone else or if you think ECU is so worse than everywhere, but you obviously think they don’t belong together in athletics, education, and fan base. And Skip isn’t going anywhere unless the Irish in South Bend come calling.

  33. heelsfan Says:

    ECPirates, you are correct on the last part of your post. I do think UNC is a more dominant school when it comes to athletics, as well as education. As far as being together in the athletics department I don’t think they are even close to equal, when you compare ALL sports. I realize since you guys MIGHT have a decent season in football you all get excited, but to say that ECU’s athletics are on the same playing field as UNC, would be straight foolish. I don’t personally hate ECU, it’s just some of their fans are obnoxious, as are some UNC, and many other schools as well. I truly feel that ECU should be better in Basketball and many other sports due to their qualifications being lower than most schools. It’s just kids can’t get in to UNc, or can’t keep their grades up, and then they are welcomed with open arms at ECU when they can’t make the grade.

    As far as SKip, he will leave my friend if anyone will take him………….ECU is a stepping stone for him and that’s it.

  34. heelsfan Says:

    ECPirates, take your defensive line for instance……..Marcus Hands, and Khalif Mitchel, both flunked out at UNC, and where welcomed with open arms by ECU. I’m not trying to run down ECU by making this comment, but its the truth. Therefore, meaning you guys could recruit like the Miami’s amd FSU’s of the world, because its so much easier to get in.

    In closing, when you made the comment about the percentages of ECU fans being alumni over the UNC fans, well that is most definitely true, because nobody outside of Greenville, North Carolina gives a rats A$$ about ECU. SO you were correct on one thing for sure.

  35. ECPirates11 Says:

    If you would have stopped at this one post here and not put this last one I would have thought much higher of you. I realize that ECU is not on UNC’s athletic level as a whole. I think we are ahead of UNC in football and that we can compete in baseball but are not better. I think UNC and ECU both have their advantages in education. UNC is obviously the tougher school to get into but ECU has its strengths as well. You’re right both teams have some obnoxious fans. ECU probably should be better in basketball but we don’t have the facilities plus we are in a state full of ACC raised players. And we have 2 former UNC signees on our football team. Hands did not make grades but I’ve read 3 different reasons in 3 different articles for Khalif leaving UNC and Bunting said he left on good terms so I woudn’t say he flunked out until there was some proof. We don’t just take anyone who doesn’t get into UNC. Thats like saying students at ECU drink more than at UNC. It’s just rumors and stories that have been passed down over the years. It may used to have been that way, but there are not as many now as I believe there is a rule about how many non-qualifiers you can have per year.

    If you gave ECU the amount of money UNC has in their athletic budget we would blow you out of the water in football and baseball. And Skip isn’t going anywhere. His wife has made that clear to the public many times. His ultimate goal is Notre Dame.

  36. heelsfan Says:

    ECPirates, I like getting your panties in a wad. Khalif did flunk out and that’s a fact, I will be glad to get proof for you if so needed. It’s not our fault ECU doesn’t have the financial backing like UNC does either. UNC’s athletic programs are funded, as well as all their new additions, and things by private donors. Take the Dean Dome for example, built by private donations, unlike our friend in Raleigh who get the RBC Center courtesy of tax payers. Why ECU does not have the financial means to be sucessful in basketball or other sports is not my problem. Tell some of the alumni to get off those wallets?

    Back to another subject you made about the percentages of fans that graduate from ECU. Like I said people outside of Greenville unless you went there or their kids go there don’t give a rats a$$ about ECU. If you travel from Boone to the Coast you will always find people who support, or pull for UNC, and I don’t mean just in basketball. You can travel in other states, and find people who like UNC, but I assure you, that you won’t find people in Wilmington, Raleigh, Asheville, or any other place besides Greenville that we say, oh yea we like ECU?

    And since Skip’s wife has made it clear that they don’t want to leave ECU, wait until somebody flashes some big time money there way, and see if her tune doesn’t change………………….

  37. heelsfan Says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t ECU have the excellent facility called the ECU school of Medicine? Doesn’t ECU put out docotrs, and suregons all over the state? Don’t cry poor mouth up here to me, because you will find no sympathy here. ECU is a state funded school, just like UNC, State, and the others. Why don’t you have the facilities to compete in basketball………… to that mighty PIRATE CLUB, who takes one dollar from every two that comes in, and feeds it into the football program. Why you might ask, because they could care less about basketball there! It is a known fact that all of the money the Pirate CLub gets in goes towards Dowdy-Ficklen/Minges/UBE/Exxon/give me some money please so we can compete with the big boys. You know finding someone to actually admit that they are a ECU Basketball fan, is about as easy to find a DUKE football fan! You can’t find either one, because they are both on the endangered species list.

    In closing my Pirate friend, you guys truly don’t care about anything but football there and that’s the bottom line. You don’t want to play UNC in nothing but football, and baseball. Nor does your women sports if they still have any there. I don’t see them lining up to play our women in anything either. You see I pull for UNC whether they are bad or good, and I pull for them in all sports men and women cause I can.

    At the end of the day you guys will still be ECU, and we will be UNC……enough said!

  38. ECPirates11 Says:

    heelsfan, I never questioned your loyalty to UNC. I know you pull for them in all sports so don’t try to make me look like I’m personally attacking you when I’m not. The fact that you have alot more alumni than us is the main reason you have a larger budget to work with. And our fanbase is one of the most dedicated you will find. When ECU is losing you still find ECU fans. Before UNC hired Butch Davis, other than maybe yourself, you couldn’t find many UNC football fans. As a group, UNC has some of the most fairweather fans in America. I have no problem w/the fact that you can go to California and not find 100 ECU fans. It’s quality over quantity. ECU has quality, UNC has quantity. Our university may be state funded, but UNC is always pushing to take money from us when we ask for it and try to hold us back. And since they seem to have most of the politicians that seems to work. They are stingy, selfish, and scared that we may overtake them if we were to have equal and sufficient funds. Alot of people here at ECU actually care about basketball. We are realists here. We know that if we ever want to get out of this conference then our basketball team must improve drastically. You obviously do not associate w/many true Pirate fans or you would know that we care about all athletics here. I happen to attend every home and away football game, every home basketball game, every home baseball game in which I’m not busy coaching baseball, and every home volleyball game that doesn’t interfere w/any other sport. We would welcome the opportunity to play UNC in any sport. They just happen to be against scheduling us. Not sure why that is. Either too scared or too conceited. Probably the latter from reading your previous posts. No fear though, we will send a postcard from which ever bowl we are at this year while you all are at home watching ESPN all day.

    And at the end of the day, a bad day at ECU will always be better than a good day at UNC. GO PIRATES!

  39. heelsfan Says:

    ECPirates you never cease to amaze me! UNC is pushing to take money away from EZU, are you being serious right now? I assure you pal, UNC doesn’t need to try and take away from EZU, they have PLENTY of $$$$$. As far as your fairweather fan comment, I’m pretty sure you are talking about the Pirate fans who will switch sides as soon as the football season ends……think they pull for Duke or somebody I’m sure cause it damn sure aint the Pirates. I’m glad that you attend all the games you can, that shows your support for EZU which is fine, but rest assure my friend you want nothing to do with UNC in other sports, basketball, baseball, girls basketball, girls soccer, lacrosse, the list goes on. The only reason you guys say you want play UNC is because when it really comes down to it, you know it won’t happen! It’s definitely not a scared issue when it comes to scheduling EZU, it’s more of a just not wanting to play the BUMS, when you schedule a team with much more clout. Besides which teams look better on your schedule EZU, or Florida State, Texas, Wisconsin, Miami, Boston College……….we play teams that actually matter, and the fact is you will ALWAYS be in Conference USA, and we never ever be considered a BIG DOG! Skip is not your savior, and will leave you standing out in the cold when bigger bucks are thrown his way.

    From your earlier post you said, that Skip and his wife are here to stay that is unless Notre SUCK calls……………don’t believe everything the coaches say, because they lie………..EXAMPLE #1 Nick Saban, saying and I quote ” there is no chance of me coaching at the University of ALabama.” The next week he signed for millions……………………

    All day everyday look up at the sky and you will see it’s Carolina BLue my friend, and it always will be! Just remember when you look towards that beautiful sky, that it’s just what EZU will always being doing………….”Looking Up AT CAROLINA!”

  40. heelatious Says:

    EZU…they want so much to matter to Carolina, *sigh*, too bad they don’t.

  41. ECPirates11 Says:

    You two are perfect examples of the UNC fanbase. You will always think that you are such a renowned university when in fact theres no university in America who would support you if you were on fire. Mainly because of the fans you have. There are plenty of other teams fans who pull for ECU when they aren’t playing their team. Why you ask? Because they respect us and how passionate we are about our team and such. They are thankful for how courteous we are when they come from out of town to see their team play. None of that happens in Chapel Hill. This weekend is a perfect game since you all play USF. The 2nd and 3rd worst fan bases in America. Only West Virginia is worse and they’re so bad they probably should have a category of their own. You all will always think you are looking down at ECU. But you may want to look up so you can see us in football big guy. Thanks for coming to Greenville and taking a loss. Enjoy that til 2009 when you get a chance, but only a chance, to redeem yourselves.

    And if ECU didn’t matter to UNC then there wouldn’t have been so much dismay on the UNC message boards after we beat them. That is just a cover up excuse you will always get from UNC fans. If you don’t believe me, just ask some of the UNC football players if that game mattered to them or not.

  42. heelsfan Says:

    it’s your fantasy world, have fun in it!

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