HBFL — It’s on!

Team owners, the draft will begin at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning. You’ll have two hours to make your pick, but please do it well before then. I’m hoping we’ll have the draft done by Friday or Saturday at the latest.

Here are the draft positions and the team owners:

  1. Deep Run Tar Heels — The Kid
  2. Tobacco Road Tigers — Taplie Coile
  3. Free Press Predators — Me, with name subject to change
  4. Screaming Seahawks — JMassey
  5. Henderson Gunners — Randy Capps
  6. Tom Sheehey All-Stars — BW
  7. Gridiron Gladiators — Heelatious
  8. Exlax Induced Bowel Explosion — Drew Loftis, who creates the best team names in the history of fantasty football
  9. GC Rams — DubG GC
  10. Pawtucket Pot Roasts — Charlie Kraebel (go to urbandictionary.com for the meaning behind his team name…)
  11. Cowboy Crusaders — Heelsfan
  12. Oak — GZino

That’s it. Any questions, e-mail me at bhanks@freedomenc.com. I’m going to keep the folks up to date with the draft with my commentary (and yours, if you’d like to post it).

Update at 11 p.m. on Tuesday: The Kid takes (surprise, surprise) Ladainian Tomlinson. Taplie Coile is on the clock (starting at 9 a.m. tomorrow morning).

7 Responses to “HBFL — It’s on!”

  1. b w Says:

    Do we just go to the fanball website in the morning to draft?

  2. heelatious Says:


    Depending on when my pick comes up, I may have to phone it in to you.

  3. Bryan Hanks Says:

    BW — yes, go to fanball to draft.

    Heelatious — don’t hesitate to call me.

  4. White_Magic Says:

    Who is the Favorite to win

  5. The Kid Says:

    pick number 2 is up… i grabbed mike vick, hope it works out

  6. Bryan Hanks Says:


  7. Charlie K. Says:

    I for one, am loving this draft so far. It’s nice to have Willie Parker and Rudi Johnson on the same roster.

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