
Just a heads-up: As though the ol’ blog hadn’t already slowed down enough, I’ll be on vacation through July 6, so it’s going to slow down even more. I’ll probably periodically update it and I’ll keep you up-to-date as much as possible on other news.

For example, there is an area assistant coach who is being considered strongly (and I’ve been told by an inside source) that he’s been offered the head basketball position at New Bern High School. When it breaks, I’ll pop it to you here.

See you when I get back.

UPDATE (6:45 P.M.): While I’m out, please be sure to check out the links to your right. I am on those blogs/sites pretty much every day and some are just outstanding. If Randy Capps (who had a great visit to K-Town last week) would update his more often, it would be the absolute best. I’ve recently added Charlotte Observer NASCAR writer David Poole’s blog to my bloglist for good reason — the man’s writing is the BEST. There really is no NASCAR writer better than he, who has the sources he has. And you know my feelings about Steve Czaban’s site — there might not be a better overall sports writer/life observer than he.

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