Congratulations to Sthil Sowers

Sthil has been drafted in the 22nd round (677th overall) by the Cleveland Indians. Congratulations to Sthil and his family, who now have a tough decision in front of them.

Just got off the phone with Sthil, though, and he said he’s “99.9 percent” sure he’s going to play at ECU, though. He said it would take “crazy money” for him to sign with Cleveland, although he “is really honored” that they selected him.

Sthil is the first North Lenoir player to play for Jim Montague who has been drafted directly out of HS. Ricky Shefka and Jason Roach are the other NL players to be drafted, but both were drafted after playing in college.

15 Responses to “Congratulations to Sthil Sowers”

  1. Ktown Pirate Says:

    3 years of playing and he could go alot higher and not have to be living in some little town in the middle of no where….

    have you seen the girls at ECU? 🙂

  2. bhatcher Says:

    Congratulations to Sthil. All of the hard work you put in has paid off. I tend to agree with your decision to continue to go to ECU. I think the college experience is something that every kid should go through. You will learn a lot from the coaches there and hopefully improve your status for the 2010 draft. Good luck with what ever you decide to do and continue to work hard.

  3. jwade Says:

    …need an agent? 🙂

  4. bhatcher Says:

    Did any other area players get drafted?

  5. b w Says:

    Tyrell Worthington from South Central over in Greenville went in the 5th round to Arizona.

  6. The Kid Says:

    Just my opinion but I think the Steve Miller Band said it best…

  7. jwade Says:

    ….take the money and run…..

  8. heelsfan Says:

    Congrats Sthil! You should be very proud of your accomplishments, and excited about getting drafted! We all hope you make the best decision for you, and not anyone else. Although, it woul dbe nice to watch you play in Kinston again, ECU is just a short drive doen the road! You are a very talented young man, and I wish you nothing but the best!

  9. bhatcher Says:

    In the 22nd round, there will not be much money to run with.

  10. Ktown Pirate Says:

    not much $$$$$, but can go to college and lots of ladies that like baseball players/athletes!

    ha ha

  11. jwade Says:

    just to clarify, i was not suggestion that sthil take the money. i was just finishing the lyrics to the song.

  12. Will the Thrill Says:

    I’d go pro…

  13. bhatcher Says:

    why would you go pro. in the 22nd round, you will not get much money and the salary that minor league players make is nothing. They count on you to live off of your signing bonus and save money. He is making the right choice if he goes to ECU in my opinion.

  14. The Kid Says:

    I’ve thought about what I would do in his situation. I think that you go to college only if you are 100% positive you can last the three years. That means grades and arm, if after three years you think you’re going to be as good or a better player and still have some years left, then college is the right decision right now. I think the only way you sign is if you think this is your only oppurtunity to play pro baseball. Those are questions that Sthil and the people he trusts around him have to make.

  15. shortkid123 Says:

    Congratulations Sthil! I remember playing T-ball back at Contentnea 13 years or so ago, before I moved to goldsboro.

    We haven’t talked but our parents have some, good luck at ECU (I’m going to State :P) and in your baseball career.

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