Sidney Lowe’s son in a load of trouble

N.C. State coach Sidney Lowe’s son has 22 — yes, 22! — charges pending against him. Included in the list are six counts of robbery with a dangerous weapon, six counts of second-degree kidnapping and one count of assault inflicting serious bodily injury.


(That’s Sidney’s son on the left)

Good grief! Could this have happened because of that stupid red jacket his daddy wears?


23 Responses to “Sidney Lowe’s son in a load of trouble”

  1. coliver Says:

    Dont be bitter because Dave Leitao and your overrated Cavs got worked by Sidney and the red jacket in the ACC tourney. You are going to get sick of losing to it.

  2. Bryan Hanks Says:

    COliver — dude! Overrated? A team that was expected to finish eighth that tied for first in the conference? Overachieving, maybe. Underappreciated, yes. But overrated? Nah!

    By the way, it’s still an ugly jacket. And did you notice how wide it is?

  3. coliver Says:

    Forget where they were picked, that doesnt matter. They had the best backcourt in the league, they have a chance to win the league and lose at Miami and at Wake in the last week of the season,the two worst teams in the league. Then they lose to State, the third worst team in the league in the tournament. If Singletary leaves, they are in a lot of trouble next year.

  4. jwade Says:

    hanks, dont try to blame sidney lowe. a parent can try to point them down the right path but ultimately its the kids that make the decisions. all parents can do it hope they make the right decisions. does that make sidney lowe any less of a man or any worse of a coach because his son doesnt know right from wrong? what about andy reid? is he not fit to be coach in the nfl because his two sons made poor decisions? i personally think sidney lowe is doing a great job at nc state.

  5. jgoodson Says:

    couldn’t have said it better, jwade, sidney lowe is a saint…and uva was overrated with a #4 seed in the tourney

  6. footballfan Says:

    The lowe kid played for OAK RIDGE MILITARY ACADEMY a few years back when they came to APA. He has grown alot of hair.

  7. jwade Says:

    have there not been any prep baseball games this week? i check the free press site and there are no articles. what is going on? is there noone to cover the games?

  8. Daring Venture Says:

    You don’t judge a person by the color of their skin or the color of their coat. Give credit where credit is due. Sidney Lowe has turned the NC State basketball program around again. As a player he was exciting to watch and as a coach he is too.

    Sidney Lowe, Jr. has made a terrible mistake. He will pay for it the rest of his life, just as his mother, father and family will too. I know what Sidney Lowe is going through– – I’ve been there and the pain never goes away, nor does the helpless feeling of where did you go wrong as a parent. All the basketball glory that I am sure Sidney Lowe will accomplish at NC State will never take away the hurt of what his son has done to himself and others that care for him.

    Now is not the time to make fun of the color of Sidney Lowe’s coat. There are too many other things going on in his life and the life of his son that are more important. I’m sure all prayers for the Lowe family would be appreciated.

    I’m praying for you too Brian. Anyone that would make fun of a person at a time like this needs prayer. I hope you never have to walk in their shoes.

  9. hammerhead Says:

    j wade…couldn’t agree more…we have 2 of the best 2a baseball teams in the state and we can’t get any coverage..that is awful….

  10. jwade Says:

    i remember back when i was at nl and david howell would cover our games. he would have a great write-up and even put a box score of the game in the paper. for all i know nl is 0-1 on the season.

  11. oldtimer Says:

    I am not sure what is going on with the coverage of the local HS baseball. The ONLY reason I even pick a FP is to look at the local sports. Lately, there apprently have been very little going on with the local HS baseball teams. You would think that at least the scores would be in the paper. I hope this lack of coverage is something that can be improved upon.

  12. jwade Says:

    i dont know what is going on either. whenever i am at home i try and catch up on what is going on by looking at the FP, but there is never anything in there. i know we have played 12 games so far this season and assume the local teams have played just as many. how many of those games have been reported in the paper? do the writers not know the schedules of the local teams? i think they should bring back the box scores. i always enjoyed seeing those.

  13. heelsfan Says:

    Jwade, I totally agree with the high school baseball coverage. I can tell you this much though. North Lenoir beat Eastern Wayne last night 7-4, Bryce Grady hit a two run homer, and Brandon Sutton got the win on the hill. Brandon also struck out 10-11 batters as well. Not sure if South Lenoir has played or Kinston High. It very unfortunate that the Free Press’ Sports Department forgets about the talent of high school baseball here. And it won’t get any better when David gets back from Indians Spring Training, because starting April 9th, it will all be the Kinston Indians! Don’t get me wrong, I love the Indians, but the high schools’ still need to be covered. If they can’t cover them now why the Indians are not playing, they certainly won’t cover them next month!

  14. heelsfan Says:

    NL is currently sitting at 9-1, and starts conference on Friday at Farmville Central.

  15. Greg Melvin Says:

    The solid red jacket is certainly an improvement over the plaid jacket Norm Sloan used to wear. Is anyone else old enough to remember that? I also think Lowe did a good job with the Pack this year. He beat Carolina and Duke this year.

  16. Bryan Hanks Says:

    A potpourri of responses to everything above…

    We are doing the best we can with what we have. Other than the NL game that didn’t come in last night until late (but will be in Friday’s paper), we have had everything that coaches have called in, in our local briefs package. JWade, we don’t put everything on the net (including round-ups) for a simple reason — we want people to buy the paper! News doesn’t put everything on the site and neither do/will we.

    Coaches have to call in their results or they won’t make the paper. Luckily, we have some good coaches who DO call in their results, but there are others who don’t.

    I feel like I’ve explained this 100 times, but I’ll do it again: we have a three-man full-time sports department — myself, David Hall and Richard Clark. I am also responsible for a weekly publication called the Jones Post, in addition to my Free Press duties. I work approximately 65-70 hours a week in both of those responsibilities (including updating this blog) but am only paid for 40.

    David Hall covers the Kinston Indians and East Carolina University sports, which our studies show folks want to see more of than high school sports (I know, I can’t believe it either). That pretty much fills up his schedule except for the rare prep game he’ll cover for us.

    Richard Clark is primarily an excellent page design/layout guy for us and doesn’t write, other than a column here and there.

    We have Keith Spence as a free-lancer (or stringer) who really gives us a hand and who does it basically for the love of the game. Justin Hill (when he’s in town from UNC) is an excellent writer who helps us out. And a few weeks ago, we added Dusty Davis to our staff on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays to take call-ins.

    We do the best we can do with what we have. I can assure you that we all work hard and — probably like you — do not get anywhere near the compensation we deserve for the hours we put in. But we work as hard as we can.

    As for the red jacket comments (Daring Venture), dude — your jacket is on WAY too tight. It’s called being lighthearted and not taking everything so seriously. I think Sidney Lowe Sr. is doing a fine job at N.C. State and no, he’s not responsible for what his son does. But thanks for your prayers, dude — I need them.

    Did I think Virginia deserved a No. 4 seed? Heck no! My money was on a 6 to 7 seed, especially with their weak (No. 35) RPI. But to say UVa was awful (co-ACC champs, baby!) is as ill-informed as saying Tyler Hansbrough is the most overrated player in America. Oops.

    AGAIN — we are doing the best job we can do. DHall is in spring training, I am putting together the All-Free Press basketball team and Kinston/Lenoir County Sports Hall of Fame coverage and we’re trying to get everything in the paper that we can. That’s all we can do. Thanks for being such passionate fans of the local scene.


  17. jwade Says:

    well could we at least get a prep baseball section on the blog with updates? i would like to keep in touch with how all the boys are doing but cant if nothing is posted. i check ncpreps, but apparently only people from the western part of nc care about posting about 2A baseball. i check the FP home page almost every day but the last prep baseball article i read was about APA (no offense tate). i am not sure how much time managing the blog takes, but i would almost rather you rid yourself of this extra work and devote more time to covering the youth of lenoir county. i know i really enjoyed it when i saw my name in the paper. dont get me wrong, i enjoy the blog, but the kids are more important. lets devote more time to them.

  18. bhatcher Says:

    I agree with jwade, is there any way to make a section in the blog were fans can come on and post scores for the high school baseball or something. I live in Goldsboro, but I enjoy checking up on the Lenoir county boys to see how they are doing. I understand you have a lot on your plate and you do what you can, that is why i am suggesting a section dedicated to posting scores. Just my 2 cents. and who gives a crap about ecu, people can go to greenville papers web site for that.:)

  19. Daring Venture Says:

    Not a problem, Dude. For the record my jacket fits just fine. I just don’t like to see a serious situation made fun of, that’s all. There’s a time and place for everything. No pun intented with your time being so stretched out.

  20. Deep Run Says:

    How much prison time can you get for “robberty”?

  21. Charlie K. Says:

    OK, now it’s time for the city editor to pop his cork. I can’t believe some of the comments being made against the sports crew here at the Free Press.
    The Free Press is the sixth newspaper I’ve worked at in my career, and I can tell you hands down that I have NEVER seen a sports crew that works its collective ass off harder than these guys. And I’ll have words with anyone who says differently.
    Bryan’s comments made on this blog or in his column are fair game. Questioning his department’s effort in covering local sports is WAY out of bounds.
    Hanks is understating it when he says the department does the best they can do with what they have. They do it better than any other paper this size would do with the same amount of people and space given to them.

  22. Bryan Hanks Says:

    CK — you the man. Thanks. Sometimes I think folks think we just show up, mess around and go home. They don’t know the hours we’ll never get paid for that we put in.

    Oh, by the way, “ASTaylor,” you can change your handle and whatever, but you’ll still be banned from MY site for your ridiculous rantings. Just because you change your handle doesn’t mean you change your stripes, I guess. Go dream about how important you were (or how important you THINK you were; no one remembers you! Ha!) seven or eight years ago. Your junk won’t appear here.

  23. heelatious Says:

    I agree with you bhatcher, who gives a crap about EZU, if you need coverage of the purple and gold pansies, go to the Daily Reflector’s website, or turn on channels 7 or 9 sports news at night. Weaver and Bailey’s so-called sports reports consist of daily slurpings of all things EZU related. Give me the local H.S. coverage over the pirates any day, they get force-fed down our throats enough already.

    Hanks, I do think you and your staff do a good job covering as much as you do. I remember the old days, and you were lucky if you even knew there were high school athletics in Lenoir County. With just a three man crew, you’re doing a pretty good job IMO.

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