Real NFL players play fantasy football, too…

An excellent article at about NFLers playing the fantasy game…check it out here.

My take: Why shouldn’t they be able to play? Makes me wish I had an inside guy for my sorry fantasy team in the Kinston Walrus League. I started 6-0 but have gone 2-5 since. Of course, losing Clinton Portis and Trent Green for the majority of the season hasn’t helped, but enough whining.

One Response to “Real NFL players play fantasy football, too…”

  1. Flagan Says:

    I was once in a league on the internet with Mike Vrabel, the New England Patriots linebacker. I realize that someone other than him could have used his name but I believe it was him. On the message board for the league, when asked if he was THE Mike Vrabel he said that he was the Patriots LB and that he would not be responding to any further questions to keep from inadvertantly breaking any league rules.

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